Se publikasjonsdetaljer i CRISTIN
1. Arnesen, Sveinung.
Leaping into the unknown: Comparing, testing and applying methods of predicting elections. : University of Bergen 2012 (ISBN 978-82-308-2026-1)
2. Brautigam, Deborah; Ekman, Sigrid-Marinella Stensrud.
Briefing Rumours and Realities of Chinese Agricultural Engagement in Mozambique. African Affairs 2012 ;Volum 111.(444) s. 483-492
3. Brautigam, Deborah; Xiaoyang, Tang.
Economic statecraft in China's new overseas special economic zones: soft power, business or resource security?. International Affairs 2012 ;Volum 88.(4) s. 799-816
4. Dressler, Wanda; Sicakkan, Hakan G.; Fuga, Artan; Mitroi, Veronica; Terrazzoni, Liza.
The French Republican Model, the European Diversity Perspective and the European Public Sphere. Social Science Information 2012 ;Volum 51.(3) s. -
5. Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Ideologi og grunnholdninger hos dommerne i Norges Høyesterett. Lov og rett 2012 ;Volum 51.(4) s. 240-253
6. Kuhnle, Stein.
Globalization of the welfare state. I: Comparisons, Regimes, Elections. Festschrift for Lauri Karvonen. Åbo: Åbo Akademi University Press 2012 ISBN 978-951-765-660-3. s. 31-42
7. Kuhnle, Stein.
På vei mot velferdsstat? Går det mot et postkommunistisk velferdsregime i Kina?. Dagens næringsliv 2012
8. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Ny britisk barnetrygd: Et eksempel - ikke til etterfølgelse". Velferd 2012 ;Volum 101.(8) s. 28-29
9. Kuhnle, Stein.
Velferdsstaten globaliseres. Velferd 2012 ;Volum 101.(2) s. 28-29
10. Kuhnle, Stein.
"The Nordic and East Asian Welfare Models: On Converging Paths?" In Nielsen, R. T. and G. Helgesen (Eds.) Ideas, Society and Politics in Northeast Asia and Northern Europe. Worlds Apart, Learning From Each Other. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 53-63.
11. Kuhnle, Stein; Kildal, Nanna.
"Welfare Principles and Reform Trends in Norway: Towards More Conditional Social Rights?". Journal of Zhejiang University 2012 ;Volum 42.(2) s. 50-67
12. Kutay, Acar.
Europeanisation of Civil Society through the Sponsored European Publics. Javnost - The Public 2012 ;Volum 19.(1) s. 19-34
Se publikasjonsdetaljer i CRISTIN
13. Linde, Jonas.
Making and Breaking Political Legitimacy in Post-Communist Democracies: The Quality of Government Effect. Politics in Central Europe 2012 ;Volum 8.(1) s. 35-63
14. Linde, Jonas.
Why feed the hand that bites you? Perceptions of procedural fairness and system support in post-communist democracies. European Journal of Political Research 2012 ;Volum 51.(3) s. 410-434
15. Loga, Jill; Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin; Trägårdh, Lars.
Klemt mellom staten og markedet. Bergens Tidende 2012
16. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle.
Mitts maraton. Verdens gang 2012 s. 28-29
17. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle.
Vinn eller forsvinnn. BT 2012
18. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle; Alvarez, Michael; Grendstad, Gunnar.
Historien er ikke irrelevant. Bergens Tidende 2012 s. B27-
19. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle; Alvarez, Michael; Grendstad, Gunnar.
Prediksjoner. Bergens Tidende 2012
20. Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise.
Lik rett til jord er fortsatt en fjern drøm. Bergens Tidende 2012
21. Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Mpesi, Andrew Mabvuto.
Food security as a political issue: the 2009 elections in Malawi. Journal for Contemporary African Studies 2012 ;Volum 30.(3) s. -
22. Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke.
Executive dominance and the politics of quota representation in Uganda. Journal of Modern African Studies 2012 ;Volum 50.(2) s. 309-338
23. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
Diversity, Polity and the European Public Sphere. Javnost - The Public 2012 ;Volum 19.(1) s. 5-18
24. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
Trans-Europeanizing Public Spaces in Europe. Javnost - The Public 2012 ;Volum 19.(1) s. 103-124
25. Strømsnes, Kristin.
Sosial kapital og frivillighet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2012 ;Volum 15.(2) s. 122-133
26. Wang, Yishuai.
The Accountability Function witin a One-party Regime: The Case of China's Local People's Congress. : University of Bergen 2012 (ISBN 978-82-308-2002-5)
27. Ødegaard, Julie Ane.
Politisk læring og deltagelse blant unge. Replikk 2012
28. Åström, Joachim; Karlsson, Martin; Linde, Jonas; Pirannejad, Ali.
Understanding the rise of -participation in non-democracies: Domestic and international factors. Government Information Quarterly 2012 ;Volum 29.(2) s. 142-15