1. Alestalo, Matti; Hort, Sven E.O.; Kuhnle, Stein.
The Nordic Welfare Model: Conditions, Origins, Outcomes, Lessons. I: The Nordic Welfare State. Shanghai: Fudan University Press 2010 ISBN 978-7-309-07232-7. s. 354-409
2. Alvarez, Michael; Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Presidential and Democratic Breakdowns in Latin America: Similar Causes, Different Outcomes. I: Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 ISBN 978-0-230-61819-0. s. 33-54
3. Berntzen, Einar.
"Peru and the Fujimori Presidential Breakdown in 2000: Continuismo Gone Bad". In Mariana Llanos and Leiv Marsteintredet (eds.) Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Unstability in Developing Democracies (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)
4. Berntzen, Einar.
"Høyrepopulisme i Vest-Europa", Internasjonal Politikk, Vol. 68, No. 1, s. 149-152.
5. Christensen, Dag Arne; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Democracy or Do-ocracy: The Activist Group "Byen Vår" and the Mobilisation against Clear Channel in Bergen. I: New Forms of Citizen Participation. Normative Implications.. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2010 ISBN 978-3-8329-5240-2. s. 147-160
6. Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Gode dommere i Høyesterett. Dagens næringsliv 2010 s. 36-
7. Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Ikke skremt av Mellbye og Eia. Dagens næringsliv 2010 s. 38-
8. Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Revealed preferences of Norwegian Supreme Court justices. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap 2010 ;Volum 123.(1) s. 73-101
9. Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Åpenhet om dommerne. Dagens næringsliv 2010 s. 3-
10. Gudbrandsen, Frøy.
Partisan Influence on Immigration: The Case of Norway. Scandinavian Political Studies 2010 ;Volum 33.(3) s. 248-270
11. Halverson, Sandra Louise; Engene, Jan Oskar.
Domains and dimensions in metonymy: a corpus-based study of Schengen and Maastricht. Metaphor and Symbol 2010 ;Volum 25.(1) s. 1-18
12. Kildal, Nanna; Kuhnle, Stein.
The Nordic model of welfare: The idea of universalism. I: The Nordic Welfare State. Fudan University Press 2010 ISBN 978-7-309-07232-7. s. 157-178
13. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Commentary: What Role for the Third Sector in European Public Policy-Making?". Journal of Civil Society 2010 ;Volum 6.(1) s. 71-74
14. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion", av Ann Helen Bay, Axel West Pedersen, og Jon Saglie. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2010 ;Volum 13.(1) s. 65-67
15. Kuhnle, Stein.
"The Narcissism of Minor Differences: How America and Europe Are Alike", (Oxford University Press, 2009), av Peter Baldwin. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2010 ;Volum 13.(3) s. 194-196
16. Kuhnle, Stein.
Turning point for the european social model?. Current history (1941) 2010 ;Volum 109.(725) s. 99-104
17. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Velferdens grenser. Innvandringspolitikk og velferdsstat i Skandinavia 1945-2010" (Oslo, Universitetsforlaget), av Grete Brochmann og Anniken Hagelund. Apollon : Forskningsmagasin for Universitetet i Oslo 2010 ;Volum 20.(3-4) s. 58-
18. Kuhnle, Stein; Chen, Yinzhang; Petersen, Klaus; Kettunen, Pauli.
The Nordic Welfare State. Shanghai: Fudan University Press 2010 (ISBN 978-7-309-07232-7) 432 s.
19. Kuhnle, Stein; Lindén, Tord Skogedal.
Migration auf norwegisch. Der tagesspiegel 2010
20. Kuhnle, Stein; Sander, Anne.
The Emergence of the Western Welfare State. I: The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-19-957939-6. s. 63-82
21. Kuhnle, Stein; Sander, Anne.
Welfare State. I: International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York: Springer 2010 ISBN 978-0-387-93994-0. s. 1639-1643
22. Llanos, Mariana; Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Conclusions: Presidential Breakdowns Revisited. I: Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 ISBN 978-0-230-61819-0. s. 213-228
23. Llanos, Mariana; Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Epilogue: The Breakdown of Zelaya's Presidency: Honduras in Comparative Perspective. I: Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 ISBN 978-0-230-61819-0. s. 229-238
24. Llanos, Mariana; Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Introduction: Presidentialism and Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. I: Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 ISBN 978-0-230-61819-0. s. 1-16
25. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Arven etter slaveriet. Røde Kors Magasinet 2010 (1) s. 37-39
26. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Forskar med doble intensjonar?. Dag og Tid 2010
27. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Haiti: Arven etter slaveriet. Levende Historie 2010 (2) s. 44-50
28. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Presidential Interruptions in Latin America. Concepts, Causes, and Outcomes. Universitetet i Bergen 2010 311 s.
29. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Rapport om frafall ved HSL-fakultetet, UiT. Universitetet i Tromsø: HSL-fakultetet 2010 60 s.
30. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
The Dominican Republic and the Fall of Balaguer 1994-1996: Presidential Breakdown or Democratic Transition?. I: Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 ISBN 978-0-230-61819-0. s. 181-196
31. Marsteintredet, Leiv; Llanos, Mariana.
Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 (ISBN 978-0-230-61819-0) 266 s.
32. Marsteintredet, Leiv; Llanos, Mariana.
Ruptura y continuidad: La caída de "Mel" Zelaya en perspectiva comparada. América Latina Hoy 2010 ;Volum 55. s. 173-197
33. Nedrebø, Tore; Engene, Jan Oskar.
Past and Present Sources of European Union. A Comparative Historical-Institutionalist Analysis. : Universitetet i Bergen 2010 200 s.
34. Orre, Aslak Jangård.
Intrenching the party-state in the multiparty era : Opposition parties, traditional authorities and new councils of local representatives in Angola and Mozambique. : Universitetet i Bergen 2010 200 s.
35. Rakner, Lise.
Institutional Perspectives. I: Politics in the Developing World. Oxford University Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-19-957083-6.
36. Rakner, Lise.
Politics in the Developing World. Oxford University Press 2010 (ISBN 978-0-19-957083-6) 608 s.
37. Rakner, Lise; Lars, Svåsand.
In search of the impact of international party support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared. Democratization 2010 ;Volum 17.(6) s. 1250-1274
38. Selle, Per, Sveinung Eikeland, Elisabeth Angell (red.)
Nordområdepolitikken sett fra nord, 978-82-450-1050-3, Fagbokforlaget 2010
39. Selle, Per; Sivesind, Karl Henrik.
Civil Soceity and Social Capital in Scandinavia. I: International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York: Springer 2010 ISBN 978-0-387-93994-0. s. 278-283
40. Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Sámi citizenship marginalisation or integration?. Acta Borealia 2010 ;Volum 27.(1) s. 66-90
41. Strømsnes, Kristin; Christensen, Dag Arne.
Online Political Activism: The Use of new information and communication technology during phases of political mobilization. Bergen: Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies 2010 ;Volum 20.20 s. Rapport - Rokkansenteret(6)
42. Strømsnes, Kristin; Christensen, Dag Arne.
Online Political Activism: The Use of new information and communication technology during phases of political mobilization. Bergen: Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies 2010 ;Volum 2010.20 s. Rapport - Rokkansenteret(6)
43. Strømsnes, Kristin; Wollebæk, Dag.
The Strange Coexistence of Passive Memberships and High Social Capital in Scandinavia. I: Nordic Associations in a European Perspective. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2010 ISBN 978-3-8329-5422-2. s. 151-168
44. Wollebæk, Dag; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Is commuting bad for civil life? Evidence from three Norwegian cities. : International Society for Third Sector Research 2010 15 s. ISTR Conference Working Papers(VII)