Se publikasjonsdetaljer i CRISTIN
1. | Aasen, Henriette Sinding; Gloppen, Siri; Magnussen, Anne-Mette; Nilssen, Even. Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 (ISBN 9781783470228) CMI HIB UiB | |
2. | Aasen, HS; Gloppen, Siri; Magnussen, Anne-Mette; Nilssen, Even. Juridification and social citizenship: international law, democracy and professional discretion. I: Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 9781783470228. s. 277-299 CMI HIB UiB | |
3. | Alestalo, Matti; Hort, Sven E.O.; Kuhnle, Stein. Das skandinavische Wohlfahrtsmodell: Merkmale, Rahmenbedingungen und Herausforderungen. Der Burger im Staat 2014 ;Volum 64.(2-3) s. 121-129 UiB | |
4. | Bauer, Michael W.; Tatham, Michael Robert. German regional administrative elites, New Public Management and the role of the state in the economy. Revue Francaise d'Administration Publique 2014 ;Volum 152.(4) UiB | |
5. | Bentsen, Henrik Litleré. Dissenser i Norges Høyesterett. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2014 ;Volum 55.(1) s. 3-22 UiB | |
6. | Bentsen, Henrik Litleré; Skiple, Jon Kåre. Dissensdommere. Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
7. | Bentsen, Henrik Litleré; Skiple, Jon Kåre. Når jussprofessorar dissenterer. Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
8. | Brautigam, Deborah; Tang, Xiaoyang. "Going global in groups": Structural transformation and China's special economic zones overseas. World Development 2014 ;Volum 63. s. 78-91 UiB | |
9. | Båtstrand, Sondre. Koalisjoner, konsensus og klimaendringer. Klimapolitikk i norske regjeringsplattformer 1989-2013. I: Klima, medier og politikk. Abstrakt forlag 2014 ISBN 978-82-7935-363-8. s. 101-118 UiB | |
10. | Callanan, Mark; Tatham, Michael Robert. Territorial interest representation in the European Union: actors, objectives and strategies. Journal of European Public Policy 2014 ;Volum 21.(2) s. 188-210 UiB | |
11. | Cappelen, Cornelius; Pedersen, Jørgen. Rettferdig arveavgift. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2014 (2) s. 20-33 UiB | |
12. | Eide, Elisabeth; Elgesem, Dag; Gloppen, Siri; Rakner, Lise. Klima, medier og politikk. Abstrakt forlag 2014 (ISBN 978-82-7935-363-8) 334 s. UiB | |
13. | Eide, Elisabeth; Elgesem, Dag; Gloppen, Siri; Rakner, Lise. Norske paradokser. I: Klima, medier og politikk. Abstrakt forlag 2014 ISBN 978-82-7935-363-8. s. 9-23 HIOA UiB | |
14. | Eimhjellen, Ivar; Wollebæk, Dag; Strømsnes, Kristin. Associations online: barriers for using web-based communication in voluntary associations. VOLUNTAS - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 2014 ;Volum 25.(3) s. 730-753 ISF UiB UNI | |
15. | Ekman, Joakim; Linde, Jonas; Sedelius, Thomas. Demokratiseringsprocesser: Nya perspektiv och utmaningar. Studentlitteratur 2014 (ISBN 978-91-44-08895-2) 289 s. UiB | |
16. | Elgvin, Olav; Friberg, Jon Horgen. Migrasjonssosiologiens svarte boks? Sosialpsykologiske prosesser i møtet mellom innvandrere og det norske samfunnet. Sosiologi i dag 2014 ;Volum 33.(3) s. 11-31 FAFO UiB | |
17. | Erlingsson, Gissur Ó; Linde, Jonas; Öhrvall, Richard. Not so fair after all? Perceptions of procedural fairness and satisfaction with democracy in the Nordic welfare states. International Journal of Public Administration 2014 ;Volum 37.(2) s. 106-119 UiB | |
18. | Ferraz, Octavio L. Motta; Gloppen, Siri; Mæstad, Ottar; Rakner, Lise. Judging the price of life: cons considerations in right-to-health litigation. I: Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 9781783470228. s. 121-145 CMI UiB | |
19. | Gloppen, Siri. Courts, corruption and judical independence. I: Corruption, grabbing and development : real world challenges. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 978-1-78254-440-1. s. 68-79 CMI UiB UiO | |
20. | Gloppen, Siri; Rakner, Lise; Vibe, Vegard Furustøl. Stortingsklima. Klima som valgkamptema og norske politikeres syn på klimautfordringene. I: Klima, medier og politikk. Abstrakt forlag 2014 ISBN 978-82-7935-363-8. UiB | |
21. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Høyesterett er også politisk. Klassekampen 2014 UiB | |
22. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Innadvendt rettsmytologi. Klassekampen 2014 UiB | |
23. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Tvilsomt hemmelighold. VG : Verdens gang 2014 s. 26-27 UiB | |
24. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Utnevning eller selvrekruttering til Høyesterett?. Klassekampen 2014 s. 22- UiB | |
25. | Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N.. Høyesterettsdommerne er politisk farget. Svar til Morten Nadim. Lov og rett: Norsk juridisk tidsskrift 2014 ;Volum 53.(2) s. 109-123 UiB | |
26. | Helle, Svein-Erik Hansen; Rakner, Lise. Grabbing’ an election: Abuse of state resources in the 2011 elections in Uganda. I: Corruption, grabbing and development : real world challenges. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 978-1-78254-440-1. s. 161-171 UiB | |
27. | Kayuni, Happy M.; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise. Alternatives to gender quotas : electoral financing of women candidates in Malawi. Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy 2014 ;Volum 50.(3) s. 393-404 UiB | |
28. | Kettunen, Pauli; Kuhnle, Stein; Ren, Yuan. "Introduction: The development and diffusion of welfare systems and policies in the Nordic countries and China". I: Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel 2014 ISBN 978-952-10-9801-7. s. 13-32 UiB | |
29. | Kettunen, Pauli; Kuhnle, Stein; Ren, Yuan. Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel 2014 (ISBN 978-952-10-9801-7) 318 s. UiB | |
30. | Kildal, Nanna; Kuhnle, Stein. "The principle of universalism challenged: Towards an ideational shift in the Norwegian welfare state?". I: Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel 2014 ISBN 978-952-10-9801-7. s. 122-138 UiB UNI | |
31. | Kuhnle, Stein. "Work-life Balance and Social Investment: Towards a Sustainable Post-Industrial European Welfare State" (in Chinese). I: Work-life Balance: Theoretical Implications and Chinese Reality. Shanghai: Truth & Wisdom Press, Shanghai Century Publishing 2014 ISBN 978-7-5432-2340-0. s. 41-49 UiB | |
32. | Kuhnle, Stein; Ngok, Kinglun. Work-life Balance: Theoretical implications and Chinese reality. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, Truth and Wisdom Press 2014 (ISBN 978-7-5432-2340-0) 272 s. UiB | |
33. | Kuhnle, Stein; Ngok, Kinglun; Yan, Xueyong. Preface (also published in Chinese). I: Work-life Balance: Theoretical Implications and Chinese Reality. Shanghai: Truth & Wisdom Press, Shanghai Century Publishing 2014 ISBN 978-7-5432-2340-0. s. 1- UiB | |
34. | Kuhnle, Stein; Vollebæk, Knut; Axworthy, Lloyd; Peou, Sorpong. "Introduction: Human Security at 20 - Lysøen Revisited". Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 2014 ;Volum 2.(2) s. 143-149 UiB | |
35. | Kutay, Riza Acar. Managerial formations and coupling among the state, the market, and civil society: an emerging effect of governance. Critical Policy Studies 2014 ;Volum 8.(3) s. 247-265 UiB |
Se publikasjonsdetaljer i CRISTIN
36. | Løvlie, Frode. Questioning the secular-religious cleavage in palestinian politics: Comparing Fatah and Hamas. Politics and Religion 2014 ;Volum 7.(1) s. 100-121 CMI UiB | |
37. | Magnussen, Anne-Mette; Brandt, Lene Christine Morvik. Individual rights and prioritizaion of health care. I: Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 9781783470228. s. 102-120 HIB UiB | |
38. | Midtbø, Tor; Walgrave, Stefaan; Aelst Van, Peter; Christensen, Dag Arne. Do the Media Set the Agenda of Parliament or Is It the Other Way Around? Agenda Interactions between MPs and Mass Media. I: Representing the People. A Survey among Members of Statewide and Sub-state Parliaments. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978-0-19-968453-3. s. 188-208 UiB UNI | |
39. | Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. Det politiske geniet. Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
40. | Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. Myten om "superpresidenten". Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
41. | Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. Republikanernes festaften. Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
42. | Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. USAs svarte underklasse. Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
43. | Ngok, Kinglun; Kuhnle, Stein; Yan, Xueyong. Work-life Balance: Theoretical Implications and Chinese Reality. Shanghai: Truth & Wisdom Press, Shanghai Century Publishing 2014 (ISBN 978-7-5432-2340-0) 274 s. UiB | |
44. | Perez, Marybel. Does EU policymaking allow for skilful networkers but limited knowledge managers? The Think Tanks' Tale. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 2014 ;Volum 27.(3) s. 323-342 UiB | |
45. | Perez, Marybel. EU think tank fora as transaction cost reducers: A study of informal interest intermediation in the EU. Journal of Contemporary European Research 2014 ;Volum 10.(2) s. 145-165 UiB | |
46. | Rakner, Lise. Governance. I: Politics in the Developing World [4th ed.]. Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978–0–19–966600–3. s. 224-240 UiB | |
47. | Rakner, Lise; Burnell, Peter. Democracy. I: Politics in the Developing World [4th ed.]. Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978–0–19–966600–3. s. 209-223 UiB | |
48. | Rakner, Lise; Burnell, Peter; Randall, Vicky. Politics in the Developing World [4th ed.]. Oxford University Press 2014 (ISBN 978–0–19–966600–3) 450 s. UiB | |
49. | Rakner, Lise; Randall, Vicky. Institutional Perspectives. I: Politics in the Developing World [4th ed.]. Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978–0–19–966600–3. s. 44-58 UiB | |
50. | Shaffer, William R.; Grendstad, Gunnar; Waltenburg, Eric N.. Standards of interpretation. Rejoinder to Føllesdal.. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap 2014 ;Volum 127.(1) s. 77-89 UiB |
51. | Sinding Aasen, Henriette; Gloppen, Siri; Magnussen, Anne-Mette; Nilssen, Even. Introduction: Juridification and Social Citizenship in the Welfare State. I: Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 9781783470228. s. 1-20 HIB UiB CMI | |
52. | Sindre, Gyda Marås. Internal party democracy in former rebel parties. Party Politics 2014 s. 1-11 UiB | |
53. | Sindre, Gyda Marås. Rebels and aid in the context of peacebuilding and humanitarian disaster: A comparison of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). Forum for Development Studies 2014 ;Volum 41.(1) s. 1-21 UiB | |
54. | Skage, Ingvild Aagedal; Søreide, Tina; Tostensen, Arne. When per diems take over: training and travel as extra pay. I: Corruption, grabbing and development : real world challenges. Edward Elgar Publishing 2014 ISBN 978-1-78254-440-1. s. 196-206 CMI UiB | |
55. | Skiple, Jon Kåre; Grendstad, Gunnar. Viktig utnevnelse. Dagens næringsliv 2014 s. 33- UiB | |
56. | Strømsnes, Kristin. Christian Albrekt Larsen: The Rise & Fall of Social Cohesion. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2014 ;Volum 17.(4) s. 59-61 UiB | |
57. | Strømsnes, Kristin. En arena for gateslag og sultestreik. Bergens Tidende 2014 UiB | |
58. | Strømsnes, Kristin; Selle, Per. Aksjoner i det representative demokrati. I: Stortingets historie 1964-2014. Fagbokforlaget 2014 ISBN 978-82-450-1586-7. s. 479-504 UiB | |
59. | Svåsand, Lars G. Regulation of political parties and party functions in Malawi: Incentive structures and the selective application of the rules. International Political Science Review 2014 ;Volum 35.(3) s. 275-290 UiB | |
60. | Tatham, Michael Robert. Limited institutional change in an international organisation: accounting for the EU’s shift away from "federal blindness. European Political Science Review 2014 ;Volum 6.(1) s. 21-45 UiB | |
61. | Tatham, Michael Robert. Same game but more players? Sub-national lobbying in an enlarged Union. Regional & Federal Studies 2014 ;Volum 24.(3) s. 341-361 UiB | |
62. | Tatham, Michael Robert; Bauer, Michael W.. Competence ring-fencing from below? The drivers of regional demands for control over upwards dispersion. Journal of European Public Policy 2014 ;Volum 21.(9) UiB | |
63. | Tatham, Michael Robert; Bauer, Michael W.. Support from below? Supranational institutions, regional élites and governance preferences. Journal of Public Policy 2014 ;Volum 34.(2) s. 237-267 UiB | |
64. | Tatham, Michael Robert; Jensen, Mads Dagnis; Koop, Christel. Coping with power dispersion? Autonomy, coordination, and control in multi-level systems. Journal of European Public Policy 2014 ;Volum 21.(8) UiB | |
65. | Tatham, Michael Robert; Thau, Mads. The more the merrier: accounting for sub-state paradiplomats in Brussels. European Union Politics 2014 ;Volum 15.(2) s. 255-276 UiB | |
66. | Tvinnereim, Endre; Fløttum, Kjersti; Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth. Norsk ungdom: Klimaendringene er i stor grad menneskeskapte. Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin 2014 UiB UNI | |
67. | Vibe, Vegard Furustøl; Gloppen, Siri; Rakner, Lise. Klimabistand: God Bistandspolitikk?. I: Klima, medier og politikk. Abstrakt forlag 2014 ISBN 978-82-7935-363-8. UiB |