Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning

Socio-Legal Perspectives in Migration Research: Potentials and Challenges

Denne workshopen er eit tverrfagleg møte mellom juridiske og antropologiske perspektiv.

A large grey and white building with a green area with flowers and trees in front
Workshopen finn stad i Alte Mensa, Universitetet i Göttingen
Wikimedia Commons/Manecke


Workshopen blir arrangert av Centre for Global Migration Studies ved Universitetet i Göttingen og forskingsprosjektet TemPro ved Universitetet i Bergen og Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI).

Om workshopen:

The workshop is a cross-disciplinary coming together of legal and anthropological perspectives. By inviting researchers with different experiences with interdisciplinary work and gender into dialogue, we will together try to unpack the added value of a common perspective (“third space”) of law and social sciences (legal anthropology/ geography/ political science/ sociology). How can we find a common ground where both disciplinary knowledge practices can fruitfully enrich each other? What theoretical, conceptual, and practical challenges does interdisciplinarity raise, and how might we work through and with these challenges?

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