Valgemner vårsemesteret 2019
Valgemnene i sammenliknende politikk er uregelmessige, og tilbys ikke hvert semester.
Thor Brødreskift
Publisert: 17.10.2018
Følgende valgemner blir tilbudt på masterprogrammet vår 2019:
- SAMPOL338: Breaking BAD: Understanding Backlash Against Democracy (DU)
- SAMPOL339: Democratic Representation: Elections, Parliaments, Responsiveness (MOR)
- SAMPOL346: Distributive Justice (UED)
- SAMPOL324: Politisk engasjement: Praktisk, empirisk forskning (MOR)
- SAMPOL332: Vidaregåande regresjonsanalyse
Følgende valgemner blir tilbudt på bachelornivå vår 2019:
- SAMPOL203 Comparative Arctic Indigenous governance
- SAMPOL204 Varieties of Political Regimes: Latin America in Comparative Perspective
- SAMPOL205 Regions, Federalism and EU Integration
- SAMPOL214 Political Economy
- SAMPOL218 Constitution and Politics
- SAMPOL221 The Politics of Gender in a Global Perspective
- SAMPOL224 Corruption, Informality and Democracy in the EU Eastern Neighbourhood