Impact in the Humanities
SVT-symposiet tek opp aktuelle tema i skjæringspunktet mellom vitskap og samfunn. Temaet for symposiet i 2018 var humanioras gjennomslagskraft (impact) i og utanfor akademia.

Arrangementet blei halde på engelsk.
What is the impact of the humanities beyond academia? Can humanistic research contribute to solving the social challenges of our time?
From the 2017 government white paper (Humaniorameldingen), via the following evaluation of the humanities in Norway in (HUMEVAL), to the UiB Humanities Strategy (2018), the question of the Humanities, its role and mission, is at the centre of attention.
At the SVT symposium 2018 we ask: What is the problem that these efforts are intended to solve? Whose problem is it? And lastly, what are the implications of the solution?
Program SVT Symposium 7 December 2018
0830 Doors open. Coffee, tea, refreshments | |||
0900 | UiB | Welcome | |
0915 | SVT | Opening address | |
0930 | OsloMet | The societal cycle of the humanities – historising impact | |
1000 | UiB | Teaching for thoughtful action | |
1030 | Coffee break |
1045 | AAU | Responsible impact assessment in social sciences and humanities | |
1115 | Lunds Universitet | Impact and epistemic governance | |
1200 | Lunsj |
1300 | UiB | Why Music Matters: Impact and the Value of the Arts | |
1330 | NIFU | Understanding and evaluating normal societal impact in the humanities | |
1400 | UiB | Integrated humanities: from strategy to pratice at UiB | |
1445 | All |
| Panel debate |
1600 | End |