Mainstreaming Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Auditing
Dette prosjektet blei finansiert av Peder Sather Grant og var eit samarbeid mellom Senter for vitskapsteori, NTNU og UC Berkeley.
![Entrance to Peder Saether Center](×tamp=1593758176)
Prosjektet hadde som mål å utvikle eit samarbeid om sensitivitetsanalyse og kvantifisering av usikkerheit, med eit hovudfokuks på å lære opp neste generasjon av vitskapsfolk og ingeniørar i å bruke desse verktøya regelmessig.
Informasjon om prosjektet på engelsk frå sluttrapporten:
We expect to continue to collaborate on the intersection of sensitivity analysis and statistics. In particular, we are examining the use of sensitivity analysis for model selection and variable selection. The core idea is to wrap the entire statistical modeling enterprise in a generalization of SA. This requires new measures of “variable importance” or “feature importance” to compare SA to more standardstatistical methods, and careful thought about the target of sensitivity.
For instance, the loss function might be some function of the predictions and the data, e.g., prediction mean-squared error, either in-sample (i.e., on the trainingdata) or out-of-sample (i.e., on held-out test data), or a function that measuresthe extent to which the procedure identifies the “correct” variables.
More generally, the SA framework makes it possible to study the stability of results to “natural variation” (noise, the particular sample or cases included, etc.) and “researcher variation” (choices including data cleaning, pre-transformations,the functional form of the model, smoothing, variable selection, etc.)
This framing involves a shift of perspective from sampling “rows” (cases) withor without replacement (in addition to sampling/scrambling columns), rather than just sampling/scrambling “columns” (points at which observations aremade). This could lead to a version of SA where the observed cases are thought of as a sample from some larger real or hypothetical population of cases—a “bootstrap” SA, which could provide upper bounds on the generalizability of results.
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