Senter for vitenskapsteori

Higher Education Institutions & Responsible Research and Innovation (HEIRRI)

H2020-prosjektet HEIRRI hadde som mål å bedre kunne integrere ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon (RRI) i utdanning på universitetsnivå innen naturvitenskaplige fag.

figurative description of project


The concept of “Responsible Research and Innovation”, or RRI, implies the alignment of R+D+I, in all its phases, with the needs, values and expectations of society. The European Commission is very actively fostering the knowledge and practical implementation of RRI, focusing its actions on 6 key axes: public engagement; science ethics; science education; gender equality; open access; and science governance.

The HEIRRI consortium was coordinated by Universitat Pompeu Fabra; the rest of the consortium was composed of the University of Aarhus (Denmark), the University of Bergen (Norway), the University of Split (Croatia), the Institute for Advanced Studies (Austria), “La Caixa” Foundation (Barcelona, Spain), the company Innovatec (Madrid, Spain), the European Network of Science Centres and Museums (ECSITE) (with more than 400 institutions from 50 countries) and ACUP, the Catalan Association of Public Universities, which chairs GUNI, the Global University Network for Innovation (208 universities from 78 countries).

The HEIRRI project was one of the first initiatives that Horizon2020 sets in motion in order to integrate RRI into university education. Its aim was to ensure that future science and engineering professionals (and from other related fields) incorporate RRI in their activity.