PARticipatory platform for sustainable Energy managemenT (PARENT)
Dette forsknings- og teknologiutviklingsprosjektet fokuserte på å bedre forstå hvordan vi kan kan involvere forbrukere i reduksjon av forbruk i husholdningene på en bedre måte.

Formålet med prosjektet var å utvikle en kommunikasjonsplattform med formål om mer og bedre deltakelse i styring av energiforbruk i hjemforbruksstyringmet. Plattformen inkluderer bruk av nye analyseteknikker, og visualiserings- og spill-teknikker (“gameification”).
Mer om prosjektet på engelsk:
The energy trilemma – the provision of affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to society – requires energy to be generated, distributed, consumed and managed and governed in a novel way. In order to answer the pressing needs of more efficient energy management, the PARENT project has a three-fold goal: (1) to expand an innovative participatory energy management platform, targeting – as a case-study – home electricity usage in four cities, and (2) to provide a set of practical recommendations on how such a platform would contribute to the increasing of energy efficiency at local, regional, national and European levels. As a prerequisite, it will (3) offer state-of-the art knowledge in the field.
The platform, built on an existing software-based solution that has been developed by project partner Enerbyte, will be enhanced into an open, extensible, reusable, socially acceptable and marketable platform, incorporating real-time energy information, novel gaming and other reward mechanisms to achieve energy efficiency through stimulating behavioural change. The new platform will be developed in a constant interaction with stakeholders via Living Labs. The project will adapt to local specificities, demographic make-ups and capacities of four targeted cities – Amsterdam, Bergen, Barcelona and Brussels – where pilots and Living Labs will be held.
The PARENT project will increase, in a socially acceptable manner, the engagement of individuals in the responsible management of their own electricity usage. The project, executed in a constant and close dialogue with stakeholders – having analysed the state-of-the-art in the field – will develop an innovative and marketable platform for participatory energy management, fuelled by novel analytics, visualisation and gamification techniques to stimulate behavioural change.
It will adapt to local contexts of four targeted cities – Amsterdam, Bergen, Barcelona and Brussels. In parallel, it will offer guidelines for increasing energy efficiency for multiple stakeholders at multiple levels in Europe.