Department- and HSE-day
Main content
Updated: 05.05.2020 (First published: 01.10.2018)
Save the date: 7 December 2018 for the annual department and HSE-day. Participation is obligatory for all who work and study at the Department of Biomedicine.
HMS-dag | HSE-day
08:00 | Introduksjon Introduction |
08:15 | Søvn og hvordan lys påvirker det 1/2 Sleep and how light affects it 1/2 |
09:00 | Pause |Break |
09:15 | Søvn og hvordan lys påvirker det 2/2 Sleep and how light affects it 2/2 |
10:00 | Pause | Break |
10:25 | Systematisk HMS, Verneombud og avviksmeldinger Systematic HSE, Safety Delegates and HSE Non-conformities |
11:10 | Poster presentasjoner Poster presentations |
| Kahoot
12:00 | Lunsj | Lunch |
If you cannot participate, send an email to: post@biomed.uib.no