Department of Clinical Science

News archive for Department of Clinical Science

Is there an relationship between CSF biomarkers and mild cognitive impairment in early untreated Parkinsons Disease?
Ole Martin Steihaug and collaborators recently published an article in The jounal of Nutrition, Health and Aging adressing the methodological challenges regarding measurements of muscle mass in older individuals.
At Centre for Pharmacy’s annual scientific event for students, Professor Ross T. Tsuyuki gave a lecture on pharmacists’ expanding role and how this can contribute to improved public health. Click through to access a recording of the full lecture.
What is the best treatment for older adults with NSTEMI or acute angina? This is the research question professor Anette Hylen Ranhoff from the Bergen Geriatric Research Group and collaborators from the University of Oslo sought to answer in a recent study published in the Lancet.
The final day of the Research presentations from 2015 was ended with a ceremony at the Foyer, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital
Bergen Postgraduate School in Clinical medicine would like to invite you to the upcomming event "Research presentations from 2015".
Associate professor Susanne Hernes from the Bergens Oldest (BOLD) research group received a travel grant today from the Fulbright Foundation.
Mid-term evaluation of Ole Martin Steihaug
Researchers K1, K2 and Helse-Bergen are hereby invited to present their work to fellow researchers and the general audience
Researchers at the University of Bergen have discovered a gene variant that increases the risk of chronic pancreatitis
From "Bergensavisen" (BA) 30.01.15: Forskning fra Forskerskolen på Haukeland: Renholdsarbeidere utsatt for astma og kols
This year is the 10th anniversary for the Research Presentations, and we hope as many as possible can attend.
Centre for Pharmacy is happy to welcome award winning and innovative professor from UK top University to our team.
Great talks and delicious JULEGRØT! This is an invitation to Forskerskolens Networking Luncheon. Remember to sign up!
