Department of Clinical Science

News archive for Department of Clinical Science

Great talks and delicious food! This is an invitation to Forskerskolens Networking Luncheon. Remember to sign up!
You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience!
You think there is no such thing as a free lunch? Well, there is... and it includes exiting scientific presentations as well! Remember to sign up:)
You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience!
By developing molecules which are able to regulate serine proteases, the phd work of Adnan Budnjo is another step towards developing new medicines against diseases as cancer, diabetes, and COPD. Thursday 19th of June 2014 he defends his thesis “Synthesis of serine protease inhibitors”.
We welcome Stefan Johansson as the new leader of Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research
The event "Research presentations from 2013" was held in week 4 this year, in the BB-building.
Welcome to research presentations from 2013
To all PhD students at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry: Welcome to the yearly christmas lunch, 11.30 in the conference room (BBB).
I samarbeid med våre partnere i San Francisco og Uppsala har ROAS-forskere vært med å kartlegge et nytt autoantigen i lungene, kalt BPIFB1.
The next network lunch will be start at 11.30 in the conference room (BBB). Three unique and interesting presentations will be held.
Six PhD students from Bergen attended the first annual meeting for the National PhD School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (NPSPS).The outcomes were new knowledge, new friends, valuable feedback and two prizes.
Pharmacist Sofia Frost Widnes have investigated both the need for and risk perception of drug information in pregnancy. Friday 25. October 2013 she defended her thesis «Drug information in pregnancy - attitudes and needs among pregnant women and physicians».
Obesity and diabetes are diseases that greatly increase worldwide. Adipose tissue is now recognized as a separate organ with complex metabolic processes. Understanding adipose tissue biology is important in order to develop better treatment strategies for obesity and diabetes.
The Pharmacy Students' Committee (FFU) and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (MOFA) together with Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) invites you to a sneak-preview of the movie "Fire in the Blood", Tuesday 15. October 2013, 6 pm in Auditorium 1 at BBB.
In her phd period, Centre for Pharmacy alumn Aase Merethe Raddum has investigated a possible new drug target for cancer therapy. Friday 21st of June 2013 she defended her thesis «Annexin A2 as a target for anti-angiogenic therapy».
