Centre for Deep Sea Research

News archive for Centre for Deep Sea Research

When we look at the sky and think "Are we alone?", there is no need to look only for planets receiving sun light.
A new project for the Center for Deep Sea Research financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
A new study from researchers from the Center for Deep Sea Research tells about a 80 000 year long powernap on the seafloor.
Two PhD students from the Center for Deep Sea Research have written an article for Aftenposten on the search for the origins of life.
The K.G. Jebsen Centre summer cruise has started! Despite having to deal with some additional restrictions and procedures on this year's cruise, our scientists have already made several interesting observations and discoveries. Get a glimpse of the work taking place on board.
The Jebsen Centre has a new PhD candidate starting today!
Last month Andreas Beinlich had a publication in Nature Geoscience, and this month we are happy to announce that a new publication from Jebsen Centre researchers is out in Nature Geoscience: Today Jo Brendryen, Bjarte Hannisdal, and Kristian Agasøster Haaga published “Eurasian Ice Sheet collapse was a major source of Meltwater Pulse 1A 14,600 years ago”.
Andreas Beinlich, the latest addition to the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research, has published an article in Nature Geoscience, titled "Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow".
Want to learn about how methane and organic compounds form in Earth's lithosphere? Look no further!
The newly renovated University Museum opened on October 14. A brand new exhibition of the deep sea is among the highlights.
The HACON cruise may provide new insights into the biology and geochemistry of the mid-ocean ridge in ice-covered portions of the Arctic Ocean.
Dr. Achim Mall recently received a two year postdoctoral fellowship from the German Research Foundation. He will be working with carbon fixation in hydrothermal systems as part of the microbiology group at the K.G. Jebsen Centre. We congratulate and welcome him to our centre!
We thank everyone who visited our stand at the Passion for Ocean festival on Saturday! There was for sure a lot of interest for exploring deep sea rocks and living microorganisms.
Scientists at the K.G. Jebsen Centre are sampling the volcanic seafloor in remote and previously unexplored areas.
Rolf Birger Pedersen and his research team are exploring manganese crusts in the deep ocean. Videos from the 2019 cruise provide unique glimpses of the scientific activity on board.
The annual conference "Seabed Mapping and Survey" was arranged in Geilo in early March. The conference is an international venue for technological development, exploration of sea surface and seafloor and development of techniques for assessing mineral and renewable resources in the ocean.
Happy 40th anniversary to black smoker vents! On April 21st,1979, deep sea explorers in the submersible HOV Alvin took the first ever photo of a "black smoker" hydrothermal vent.
Anders Bjerga and Håvard Stubseid at the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research won this year's public outreach contest at geoforskning.no with their contribution on submarine volcanic activity.
