Opening of the Citizen Lab

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The grand opening of the Citizen Lab was November 30th. All our rooms were packed with people, and we all had great fun and got inspired to really start DIGSSCORE.
There was speeches, posters of many DIGSSCORE-related projects, refreshments and a tour of the facilities.
Rector Dag Rune Olsen officially opened the Citizen Lab. Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, scientific leader of DIGSSCORE, gave a presentation about DIGSSCORE and the Citizen Lab.
Gunnar Grendstad, head of the Department of Comparative Politics, Knut Helland, dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Anne Marie Haga from Bergen research foundation held speeches.
Yvette Peters (BFS grant-receiver), Sveinung Arnesen (young research talent grant-receiver), Susanne Bygnes (young research talent grant-receiver) and Endre Tvinnereim (representing CET) all presented their projects.