DIGSSCORE at Arendalsuka

Main content
The Norwegian Citizen Panel was the main attraction from the University of Bergen at Arendalsuka 2017. Researchers from the Citizen Panel and DIGSSCORE presented different research topics each day, with different researchers presenting.
Day 1: Democracy
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Sveinung Arnesen, Yvette Peters, Marta Eidheim and Runa Langaas
Day 2: Media bubbles
Erik Knudsen, Marta Eidheim and Runa Langaas
Day 3: Climate change
Endre Tvinnereim, Åsta Nordø, Annika Rødeseike and Marta Eidheim
Day 4: Migration
Susanne Bygnes, Lise Bjånesøy, Åsta Nordø, Annika Rødeseike and Marta Eidheim
All days also had some similar content, as "Meningsfelle-testen" (developed together with Bergens Tidende), "Sympatibarometeret" (developed together with Bergens Tidende) and information about the Norwegian Citizen Panel, DIGSSCORE and different research projects.
The participating researchers were happy to talk to so many people each day, and we hope that the visitors learnt something about the society and possibilites with social science-research.