Department of Philosophy

Philosophical night out with Bergen Philosophical Society

We are happy to announce that all philosophers, students and from the department alike, are invited to a full philosophical evening at Comfort Hotel Holberg Thursday 19th October 18.00.

Tegneserietegning av en filosof med ulike uttrykk i diskusjon
Illustration photo

Main content

The event kicks off with a philosophical debate on the truth or falsity of the proposition "There are moral truths". The affirmation of which is defended by associate professor Espen Gamlund who specializes in moral philosophy, against professor Kevin Cahill's dangerous Wittgensteinian thinking. After the debate, all participants will be given the opportunity to ponder the issue further over taco's and beer.

There is no entrance fee, and there will be student prices on wine and beer.


We hope to see you there!


Best regards, Bergen philosophical society.