Employee Pages
Candidate to the University Board - Group C

Jørgen Melve

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Thirty years ago, I started studying. Since then, I have studied at and worked at or around UiB, lately as the main union representative for NTL. I have been a member of and for years ago I was elected as group C representative at the Board of the university. It has been exctiting, educational and demanding to be a board member for this period. But more importantly, from time to time I gave gotten feedback from employees that are satisfied with something I have said, subjects I have raised in meetings or who wants to remind me of things I should have said. This feedback gives me the energy to want to run for election again. 

I run for election again because I want to keep on doing what I have been able to in my best moments – be an outspoken spokesperson for ordinary employees’ interests. UiB is filled with dedicated employees that have a strong desire to do the best job possible for UiB, for our students and for society. This commitment must be recognised and appreciated. 

The new rectorate has several positive and sensible statements about interaction between all employees in their election manifesto and mentions development of competence and career opportunities for technical and administrative staff as a focus area. This has long been a neglected area at UiB, and I will do my best to ensure that they now live up to this and produces action, not just words. 

Technical and administrative staff is often the group that feels the pressure for reorganization and efficiency earliest, strongest and most clearly. We are expected to work faster, smarter and in new ways. We are used to that, and we do, but those that actually do the nitty gritty working operations must be listened to in such processes. I will be a guardian of employees’ participation and involvement in these processes so we can find solutions that are positive for employees as well as for UiB and students.

I will keep on being critical to strategic visions that are not anchored in employees’ everyday life and fight to ensure that the university facilitates for all employees to perform as best they can. I will work for both physical office solutions and the organisation of work to be grounded in what is best for the employees ability to get their work done as good as can be. I will be critical when there is a reason to be, give praise when it is deserved and always have ordinary employees’ conditions as my basic priority. 

Being a union representative, I also share the basic values of NTL and will stand up for them: we defend democracy and want the Rector to be elected. We want less “measurements» of individual work performance and more trust in employees own judgement. We want employees and unions to be involved in processes regarding their working conditions. We want UiB to be in front regarding responsibility for the environment and climate. The CO2- footprint must be reduced in ways that distributes the burden in a just way. These are values that many employees share, and I will stand up for.