Employee Pages
IT for research

Different types of devices on the UiB network

Researchers need to connect various research equipment to the network and be able to store the data that is generated. The IT division has several products and services to accomodate this.

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Which service is suitable depends on the type of equipment, the amount of data, and the security requirements.

You should consider how long you need to store the data, how often you will use it, how sensitive the information is, and whether you will share the data with others. In the case of LittNett, you must ensure that the equipment has the correct software and updates, and that you follow the guidelines for information security.

If you are unsure about which product or service best suits your needs, you can contact us at https://hjelp.uib.no. We will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.




Managed PC (UiB PC)

Access to internet

Limited access to internet according to requirements. (Openings defines as FQDN, URL or IP addresses.)

Data transfer out to internet only, not in from internet

Full accesss to internet

Store dataStorage on UiB's local common areasStorage on OneDriveLagring på fellesområder lokalt på UiB
Acces to UiB networkLimited access to UiB network according to requirementsNo access to UiB networkFull access to UiB network
Log in to the deviceUsing jumphost*Not possible to log inLog in directly on the PC

* Forklaringer:

  • Proxy: Connecting to the internet through another computer. In LabIT, the proxy provides access to content that is allowed (whitelisted). 
  • Jumphost: A computer that securely helps you connect to another network or device which can not be reached directly. For example, you can use a jumphost to access a network that is only for your LabIT project.

For storage prices on UiB common areas, please see our price list: https://ithelp.app.uib.no/en/Pricelist_over_IT_Services.

    Read more about which data can be store where in the Storage Guide: https://www.uib.no/en/foremployees/153608/storage-guide.