Here you will find information about types of absence such as sick leave, compensatory timr off, shorter leaves and holiday.
Main content
When submitting an application for absence in the self-service portal, you click 'Requests for absence' and select the correct leave type. All applications is processed by your leader. Guidance on how to send in an application for absence is available here. Underneath is an overview of the available leave types.
If you cannot attend work due to illness, your leader must be notified of this as soon as possible, preferrably the first day of absence due to illness.
Who may request this type of absence?
- All employees who has been employed for at least 2 months.
What do you need to do?
When making a request of absence you must use the leave type 'self-certification'.
Disability benefit (Arbeidsavklaringspenger (AAP)) and self-certification
- If you receive disability benefit from NAV, you do not have the right to use self-certification or sickness benefit. In the situasjon you get ill, it is NAV that compensate you. The compensation will be calculated based on what you report on your report card to NAV.
- You must notify your leader or your local HR contact about the absence. Your leader or local HR is responsible to inform the service centre of the absence. The service centre wiill register the absence, and thereafter deduct the absent days from your salary.
Sick leave
When you are issued a sick leave from your doctor, you must log into nav.no and send the sick leave to UiB. At the end of the sick leave period, you must send an applicaton for sickess benefit at nav.no. NAV will notify you whenever you have a sick leave or an application for sickness benefit available.
If you are going on holiday in the period of the sick leave, you must notify both UiB and NAV by stating this in your application for sickness benefit.
Long-term sick leave
The service centre notifies all employees who have been on long-term sick leave when their sickness benefits are about to run out. The notifiations is sent as a letter, with information about the right to salary during illness and further financial compensation through NAV and the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK).
You may find more information about sick leaves in the Employee handbook.
Exemption due to long-term illness or chronic condition
If you have a long-term illness or a chronic condition, and it causes a risk of frequent absence, the employee or the employer may make an application to NAV of being exempt from the employer liability.
Exemption due to sickness absence caused by pregnancy
The employer may be exempt the employer liabilty if an employee is issued a sick leave due to pregnancy-related illness and accommodation or reassignment to other work is not possible.
Disability benefit (Arbeidsavklaringspenger (AAP)) and sick leave
If you receive disability benefit from NAV, you do not have the right to sickness benefit. In the situasjon you get ill, it is NAV that compensate you. The amount of days you are on sick leave may be deducted from your salary. The compensation will be calculated based on what you report on your report card to NAV.
Paid holiday
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees who have earned the right to holiday pay.
What do you need to do?
- When making a request of absence you must use the leave type ‘Paid holiday’.
You may find more information about holiday in the Employee handbook.
Unpaid holiday
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees who have not earned the right to holiday pay, or who have not earned enough holiday pay to take all vacation days as paid holiday. Normally this is applicable to employees who started their employment with UiB either this year or during the previous year.
What do you need to do?
- When making a request of absence you must use the leave type ‘Unpaid holiday’.
You may find more information about holiday in the Employee handbook.
Compensatory time off
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees who register working hours in the self-service portal.
What do you need to do?
- When requesting a full day off, you must use the leave type ‘compensatory time off’.
- When requesting a partial day off, you must register your working hours when you are present and use the leave type ‘compensatory time off’ for the rest of the working day. Please note that you only need to apply for compensatory time off if you are not working in the core working hours.
Travel/overtime off
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees who have accrued overtime or travel time.
What do you need to do?
- When making a request of absence you must use the leave type ‘Travel/overtime off’.
You may find more information about travel/overtime off in the Employee handbook.
Paid birthcare leave 2 wk
Who may request this type of absence?
The father, co-mother or co-father. If the parents do not live together, the 2 weeks of leave of absence can be taken by another who assists the mother. The leave of absence must be concluded no later than 14 days after the mother has returned home from the hospital.
Adoptive parents and foster parents are entitled to two weeks’ leave of absence when taking over responsibility for the care of the child. This is not applicable if you adopt a step child or if the child is 15 years or more.
What do you need to do?
- When making a request of absence you must use the leave type ‘Paid birthcare leave 2 wk’
Breastfeeding paid leave
Breastfeeding mothers are entitled to paid leave of absence for up to 2 hours a day when whilst full time. The right to paid leave of absence applies until the child is 2 years old. Unpaid time off due to breastfeeding after the child is 2 years old may be taken.
- You must clarify the time and period of absence with your leader. Your leader is entitled to request a conformation from your doctor or other relevant health care institution that you are still breastfeeding after the child is 9 months.
- You must register the leave every single day. In the self-service portal you must press´Registrer working hours`and use the attendence type ´Breastfeeding paid leave`. Here is the guidance to registrering working hours in the self-service portal.
Academic employees: Academic employees are not subject to the requirement of registrering their working hours. However, it is important that postdoctoral researchers and PhD research fellows register their breastfeeding paid leave. The reason for this is that HR use the registration when calculating the right to a prolonged employment.
Unpaid time off due to breastfeeding after the child is 2 years old: This must be registered in the self-service poral by sending in a request og absence using the leave type 'Other absence, unpaid'.
You may find more information about breastfeeding paid leave in the Employee handbook.
Sick child
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees whom are parents to children aged 12 or less, or where NAV has issued care benefit exceeding the 12-year age limit.
What do you need to do?
- Register your children in the self-service portal under ‘User profile’ and ‘Family/contact person’
- For children over the age of 12, you must send a copy of the confirmation letter frrom NAV to the service centre
- When registrering the absence, you must send in a request of absence using the leave type ‘Sick child’
You may find more information about the right to care benefit in the Employee handbook.
Paid compassionate leave
Who may request this type of absence?
All employees.
What do you need to do?
- Paid compassionate leave may be used for, amongst other things, funerals or to accompany children on their first day of school or kindergarten
- When applying for paid compassionate leave, you must use the leave type ‘Paid compassionate leave
- ’You may be granted a maximum of 12 days of paid compassionate leave every calendar year
- Når du søker om velferdspermisjon, benytt fraværstype
- Permisjon med lønn kan gis for inntil 12 arbeidsdager i løpet av et kalenderår
You may find more information about paid compassionate leave in the Employee handbook.
Agency specific time off
This leave type is not used at UiB.
Time off senior +62
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees who are 62 years or more in the actual year.
What do you need to do?
- When requesting leave of absence, you must use the leave type ‘Time off senior +62’
- Employees holding a 100 % position are entitled to use 10 days per calendar year
- You cannot transfer unused days from one year to another year
You may find more information about time off for seniors in the Employee handbook.
Study leave
Who may request this type of absence?
All employees.
What do you need to do?
- When requesting leave of absence, you must use the leave type ‘Study leave’
- Employees has the right to paid leave when studying for an upcoming exam
You may find more information about educational leave in the Employee handbook.
Other absence, paid
Who may request this type of absence?
Alle employees.
What do you need to do?
- This leave type may be used to participate in, for example, a military repetition exercise or events organized by the trade union.
Official duties
Who may request this type of absence?
Employees with official duties.
What do you need to do?
- When requesting leave of absence, you must use the leave type ‘Time off pub.serv/org.wor’
You may find more information about leave due to official duties in the Employee handbook.
Employee representatives
See the Basic agreement for the civil service, section 38. The link is in Norwegian.
Who may request this type of absence?
Employee representatives.
What do you need to do?
When requesting leave of absence, you must use the leave type ‘Basic Public Agr. § 38’
See the Basic agreement for the civil service, section 39. The link is in Norwegian.
Who may request this type of absence?
Employee representatives.
What do you need to do?
When requesting leave of absence, you must use the leave type ‘Time off pub.serv/org.wor’
Other absence, unpaid
Who may request this type of absence?
Alle employees.
What do you need to do?
- When requesting leave of absence, you must use the leave type ‘Other absence, unpaid’
Extra holiday during christmas
Employees in administrative and technical positions at UiB can take Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, and one day during the Christmas holiday off. These days off should be recorded as regular working hours in the self-service portal (DFØ). For the other days during the Christmas holiday, the regular working hours at UiB apply.