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Information about how to publish academic work, CRIStin procedures, publication points ("tellekanter"), registration in BORA, etc.

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CRIStin (Current Research Information System in Norway) is the national research documentation system in Norway. The purpose of CRIStin is to simplify and quality assure the reporting of research results and annual report data, and to help make the research and expertise in the institutions visible. Questions may be directed to: Cristin@uib.no. Academic publications such as books, journal articles or articles in anthologies are given points according to a system.

The University Library can provide assistance about (open) publishing, citation indicators and promotion. The library can also help you identify relevant channels.

BORA - open research archive. BORA is UiB's digital institutional archive. It contains academic materials produced at UiB. 
UiB researchers can apply for funding to cover their author payments for Open Access publishing: Budget item for open publishing at the University of Bergen