Teaching rooms
Information on furniture and fixtures, ICT support, etc. in the seminar rooms.
Main content
The Estate and Facilities Management Department (EIA) is responsible for the operational management of approximately 230 of UiB's 350 teaching rooms. EIA's primary responsibility in this connection is to ensure that all teaching rooms are functional and equipped in accordance with applicable standards. The IT Department is also responsible for some aspects of the operational management of teaching rooms at UiB. The IT Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of audio-visual equipment in teaching rooms.
Weekly inspection rounds
EIA carries out weekly inspection rounds of teaching rooms.
On each inspections we check:
- Furniture, tables/chairs
- Blackboards, whiteboards, screens
- Specialised furniture, rostrums/”owl” screens
- Curtains/sun blinds
- Rubbish bins (number/size)
- General cleanliness
- Lighting
- Electrical installations
- Heating and AC installations, plumbing and ventilation
- Surfaces, e.g., ceilings, walls, floors
- Access controls and locks/fittings
- Doors
- Windows
- Mobile partitions/room dividers
Defects are either rectified immediately or registered using a Needs notification to be dealt with later
Information sheet for teaching rooms
EIA has produced standardised sheets for all teaching rooms for which it is responsible. The sheets are intended to improve the organisation of teaching-room furniture and equipment, to provide contact information for reporting problems, and to provide fire safety information.
Example of how the information sheets looks like.
ICT support for teaching rooms
The IT Department is responsible for the operation of audio-visual equipment in teaching rooms and for providing support services to users.
ICT support for most teaching rooms is available Monday-Friday from 8am to 8pm.
We can provide equipment tests and demonstrations, but these must be requested in advance. Please note that ICT support services are responsible for a large number of rooms and will not always be able to attend immediately.
Additional ICT support over weekends, holidays etc. can be arranged subject to staff availability.
UiB is committed to a strategy of preventive maintenance for its teaching rooms, but it is impossible to eliminate entirely the risk of problems with electronic equipment. Overhead projectors are not available in all rooms as a back up if the video projector is not working.
The IT Department is working to standardise the audio-visual equipment in teaching rooms. Various standards apply according to the size of the room.
Furniture and equipment in teaching rooms
EIA is working to standardise furniture and equipment in teaching rooms. No furniture or equipment may be removed from a teaching room. The numbers of tables and chairs should tally with the numbers shown on the EIA's wall sign in the relevant room. If EIA discovers a major discrepancy in the numbers of tables and chairs, replacement items should at first instance be sourced from an EIA storeroom.
Standardisation of furniture and equipment in teaching rooms
As far as possible, EIA wishes to standardise furniture and equipment in teaching rooms. Currently teaching rooms are equipped as follows:
Ordinary teaching rooms
- Collapsible tables, 120 x 40 cm, 2-person - birch/finish to match other items
- 4-legged chairs
- Lecturer's chair with footbar and wheels, any colour
- Lectern 140 x 70 cm, w/ CPU holder, cable well with cover or pop-up connection panel (as agreed with IT Department) - birch/finish to match other items
- cabinet for storing accessories, roll-front cabinet - birch/finish to match other items
- Wall-mounted whiteboard - to fit available space
- Pull-down screen
- Waste-paper basket
- Blackout curtains (as required)
Rooms for PC-based teaching
- Collapsible tables, 180 x 180 cm, 2-person - birch/finish to match other items
- Chairs with footbars
- Lecturer's chair with footbar and wheels, any colour
- CPU holder, cable hanger
- Lectern 140 x 70 cm, w/ CPU holder, cable well with cover or pop-up connection panel (as agreed with IT Department) - birch/finish to match other items
- cabinet for storing accessories, roll-front cabinet - birch/finish to match other items
- Wall-mounted whiteboard - to fit available space
- Pull-down screen
- Waste-paper basket
- Blackout curtains (as required)
Standardisation of lecterns
- In consultation with the IT Department we have standardised audio-visual equipment. One of two types will be installed depending on the size of the room.
Replacement/additional items
EIA will replace any non-functioning items immediately. At first instance, additional items for teaching rooms will be sourced from EIA's storerooms.
In the longer term, EIA's strategy is to replace older items in teaching rooms with new, standardised items. The rate of replacement depends on budgetary considerations and personnel capacity.
Upgrading of teaching rooms
Following its 2009 survey of all teaching rooms at UiB, EIA is now working to upgrade the standard of teaching rooms.
In 2009 the Property Department assessed the standard of all of UiB’s classrooms and is working to upgrade the standard of the classrooms.
Depending on the budget situation, each year funds are allocated for upgrading classrooms. This includes upgrading of surfaces such as ceilings, walls and floors, but also the replacement of equipment.