News archive for Department of Foreign Languages
Teachers' Day was once again organized at the University of Bergen. French research was presented by several employees of the French department, IF.
In December 2024, Nice, France, became a meeting place for researchers on the occasion of the research conference "Enjeux socio-environnementaux et territoires".
The University of Bergen (UiB) will host another seven international research fellows after a very successful application round in this year’s competition for MSCA funding from the EU. The grants will fund the researchers' stay at UiB for two years.
Several LINGCLIM researchers participated at a conference in Nice, France, on September 4th 2024
Several researchers from the LINGCLIM group participated at the XXIIe Congrès des Romanistes Scandinaves in Finland.
12 million to the history of salmon farming, sustainability, and Norway’s role in Chile (28.10.2024)
Ernesto Semán at the University of Bergen has been awarded 12 million NOK from the Research Council of Norway for the project DARKLAX. Through an interdisiplinary approach DARKLAX will tell the history of salmon farming in Chile and the role Norway has played.
This fall, the research group Research and Teaching on Controversial Issues is hosting a seminar for teachers to explore various approaches to teaching controversial issues in schools.
In these two videos, two teaching students present some of the challenges they encountered in practice, and how they worked to solve them using the knowledge they gained from various parts of teacher education program.
POTENT will be hosting two interesting guest lectures in the autumn semester of 2024.
The first one is by our member Massimiliano Demata from the University of Torino, and the second one Frank Serafini from Arizona State University.
Bordeaux as the center of research on the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne and knowledge and science in Montaigne's time.
The pan-European collaborative project "202cm" ended with an international conference in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
The annual climate festival Varmere, Våtere, Villere gathered a big audience, researchers, journalists, politicians and others for a packed program over several days.
On Thursday 18 April 2024, doctoral fellow and editorial member of Salongen - nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, Emil Perron, met author Øyvind Aase at Litteraturhuset in Bergen for a conversation about the philosopher Arild Haaland.
Doctoral scholar Emil Perron's text about his time in the Caribbean country of Haiti is now available online for free. Haiti is a country full of artistic wealth and will to live, with a great literary heritage, but it is also a country that these days is going through great trials.
Nyleg fekk forskargruppa POTENT (Post-Truth English Teaching) ved IF tildelt DEKOMP-midlar for å utvikle prosjektet «Utforskende undervisning med bruk av KI i språkfagene». Kunstig intelligens er eit høgaktuelt tema både i norsk skule og i høgare utdanning. Korleis skal vi lære vekk språk i ei tid der digitale verktøy vert stadig meir avanserte? Framover skal POTENT jobbe aktivt med dette viktige... Read more
"Philosophy week" provided space for conversations and reflection on philosophy and work opportunities, relevance to life and relevance to society.
What motivates people to make climate-friendly choices?
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