Department of Informatics

News archive for Department of Informatics

An exciting seminar about combining evolutionary optimization algorithms with experimental, atomistic resolution target data to create a semi-automated tool for building high-fidelity molecular dynamics models.
Eivind Valen is a professor of bioinformatics and is researching biological big data to understand the human body.
- Vi har merket stor etterspørsel fra både studenter og industrien.
On August 29th and 30th, CEDAS had invited more than 40 PhD students, researchers, teachers, and others in the field of Data Science to a retreat at Solstrand Hotel & Bad to discuss currently relevant topics in CEDAS research and education of data science.
The Center for Data Science (CEDAS) is organizing a networking event, combining scientific sessions on foundational and applied data science with a teaching-related session, discussion groups, and social activities to further facilitate research collaboration among the center’s members (and beyond).
Researchers and students have worked together towards a new centre to reshape how informatics is taught.
The University of Bergen's Inge Jonassen has been chosen as Chair of the Board of NORA - Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium.
Have a look at our course portfolio for spring 2022!
This seminar will present some of the speakers' space-level AI research activities to assess storm-caused damage to infrastructure networks.
Setting up data science institutions poses rather fundamental questions: What kind of institutions are we building? Who are we serving? What are the politics? In this talk I would like take stock of the larger context: a world lacking futures, fragmented academic disciplines, and the dystopian use of technology.
It is essential to examine whether the mathematical description of marine food webs reflect the ecosystems they represent. A new proposal is integrating multiple mathematical disciplines and this requires collaboration on an international front.
The talk will be focusing mainly on spatio-temporal data such as molecular dynamics simulations which are unfavorably known to be hard to visualize. In addition, the speaker will touch upon other biochemical datasets where the “curse of dimensionality” poses the biggest visualization challenge.
