Department of Informatics

News archive for Department of Informatics

Welcome to the May edition of the ICT PhD Forum! This month's topic: How to use Makefiles for workflow.
Does your work involve data science? Are you curious about research in data science in Bergen? The CEDAS conference 2021 will be a 2-day event featuring talks and discussion by leading international scientists and local experts on the interaction between data science, statistics, machine learning, and AI, as well as their applications in science and society.
This spring, German theoretical physicist Johannes Fiedler will join University of Bergen, thanks to grants from The Humboldt Foundation and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.
Welcome to the April edition of the ICT PhD Forum! This month's topic: A practice-oriented introduction to statistics.
Professor Fredrik Manne will receive this year’s George Pólya Prize in Applied Combinatorics.
Welcome to the ICT PhD Forum!
The Wittgenstein Archive (WAB) has been awarded 1,670,000 NOK (about 167,000 EUR) for quality assurance and updating of the world's research infrastructure for Wittgenstein's Nachlass.
The UN Ocean Science Decade gets off to a flying start through the University of Bergen’s new interdisciplinary SEAS Fellowship Programme. For the next 5 years, UiB will be training a new generation of marine research leaders and decision makers to ensure sustainable oceans.
Welcome to the first ICT PhD Forum meeting of 2021!
Prof. Lilya Budaghyan, has got a new research grant "Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Threshold Implementations (BoolTI)" from the Research Council of Norway together with key members Claude Carlet, George Petrides and Vincent Rijnmen. Congratulations!!!
Presentation about medical imaging data, given at the Computer Graphics International Conference 2020
På Universitet i Bergen (UiB) vokser miljøet innen maskinlæring stadig. Kanskje ikke så rart, når kunstig intelligens er i ferd med å endre hele samfunnet vårt.
The department of informatics at the University of Bergen will be well represented with four accepted papers at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
