Department of Informatics

News archive for Department of Informatics

The best learning environment prize for 2012 at the University of Bergen is awarded to the Department of Informatics.
The Department of Informatics warmly welcomes all new and previous students to a new semester. We hope everyone will have a fun and rich start of the semester.
Saket Saurabh has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant of 13 million NOK. Saurabh will establish his group at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.
Two papers with co-authors from the Algorithms group at the Department of informatics are accepted to FOCS 2012.
At the Department of Informatics in Bergen you can study together with some of the best ICT-researchers in Norway. According to the international expert committee which evaluated the ICT research in Norway on behalf of the Norwegian Research Council, the Department of Informatics in Bergen is the best in the country.
The 2011 Emil Artin Junior Prize in Mathematics has been awarded to Lilya Budaghyan at the Department of Informatics.
The bioinformatics platform Elixir.no developed by the Department of Informatics and led by Professor Inge Jonassen, has been awarded 50 million by the Norwegian Research Council.
Professor Inge Jonassen at the Department of Informatics has helped sequence the genomes of the cod.
Four papers with co-authors from the Algorithms Research Group of the University of Bergen are accepted to SODA 2012.
Ved den nordeuropeiske finalen i programmering for studenter i 2010 ble UiB sitt førstelag best av alle norske lag.
Fedor Fomin from the Department of informatics receives 2.2 million Euros from ERC.
Jesper Nederlof, PhD student at the Algorithms research group of the Department of Informatics, gets Excellent Student Paper award for his accepted contribution to the conference IPEC 2010.
The visualization group is entrusted to organize Europe's biggest and most important visualization conference, EuroVis 2011, May 31–June 3, in Bergen next year.
Jean-Paul Balabanian et al. won the best student paper award at the Graphics Interface conference 2010 held in Ottawa, Canada, May 31- June 2.
