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Revision of software offered in Tredjepartsportalen

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How is the revision of the software offer in Tredjepartsportalen?

The software offer in Tredjepartsportalen (apps.uib.no) is revised every six months. his applies to both adding new programs and updating existing programs.

New programs must be registered in connection with the planning of teaching for the next semester (15 October/1 April) and, if they are compatible (see conditions), will be made available the following semester. See more information about the process from registration to availability below. Existing programs are updated to the latest available version every six months. 

Many programs have already been assessed as suitable or unsuitable for use on apps.uib.no in light of the premises, see overview below.

Software categories and list of already evaluated software



DescriptionEstablished evaluations / examples


Open source software via apps.uib.no

Software that does not require a license that is made available via apps.uib.no

Advantage (in contrast to 7): All students have easy access and use the same version of the program for teaching.

Anaconda, BEAST, f4transkript, GIMP, Inkscape, ImageJ, Jamovi, Java JRE, JFLAP, OpenRefine, Praat, Pycharm, Pymol, Python, R, R Studio, R Stan, Snap, Spyder (via Anaconda), Subtitle Edit, Visual Studio Code, Weka, 


Licensed software via apps.uib.no

Software that requires a license that the faculty/UiB already has is made available via apps.uib.no

ArcGIS Pro, Chemdraw, Ecognition Developer, Matlab, Microsoft 365, Nvivo, SPSS, Stata


Online resource linked to from apps.uib.no (open or with login)External resource/open web service linked to from apps.uib.no

Google Earth, Kostholdsplanleggeren, Matvaretabellen.no, Rayyan


Specialized software that requires its own infrastructure/hardware or security/data security

Information about Software in UiB Hjelp for alternative distribution methods

Software that, for example, requires a graphics card, a lot of memory/cpu or has other requirements that are not offered on UiB's virtual infrastructure.

Use of software that requires extra security/data security, e.g. for research etc.

Adobe Suite (After effects, Audition, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere, XD, mfl.), Autodesk Suite (3DS Max, Autocad, Fusion, mfl.), Blender, Davinci resolve, Fiji/orthanc, Homebrew, Meshmixer, Meshroom, 

All software dedicated to Mac and Linux


Software that requires a license that the faculty or UiB currently does not have (at all or enough for teaching/assessment)Software or hybrid web services that currently do not have licenses.

3D Tooth Atlas, Affinity Designer, Aiforia, Archicad, Canoco, Corel Draw, Diana, Dietist, Figma, Grapher, GraphPad Prism, Jetbrains, Maestro, Max/MSP, MestReNova, MySQL, Nkoda, OneVoluemViewer, Overleaf, Oxygen XML Ed., PCI Geomatica, Reaper, Sibelius, Sirius, Stella Architect, TopSpin 


Not software to be installed on the student's machineServices/digital tools that are not to be installed on the students' machines. Needs can be reported to the UiB learning lab. Will require financing and be sound in terms of privacy.

Flinga, Maple TA, Miro,  Padlet, PollEverywhere, Prezi, Qualitrics, Quizlet, SMS-tjeneste, Sorbotta, Socrates, Socrative, Windows Subsystem for Linux, YouTube


Other alternatives. E.g. open source or licensed software the students buy and maintain themselves (may be linked to external download/purchase at apps.uib.no)

All types of software the students themselves buy/install.

Disadvantages (in contrast to 1 and 2): Students will be able to have different versions for teaching.

Audacity, EndNote, Handbrake, LaTeX, Mallet, Mendelay, Zotero

Process for registering and making new software available

You can register your request for new software in UiB Hjelp, either during the semester or in connection with course planning. 

After the subject planning deadline each semester (15 October/1 April), the registered cases will be followed up according to the case flow below

  1. The software is checked against the terms of use (see below), and you will receive an answer as to whether these are met. 
    1. Any necessary clarifications are followed up in the query in UiB Hjelp.
  2. The software is sent for packaging at an external supplier
  3. The software is made available for testing by those who sent the request before/at the start of the following semester, you will be notified in UiB Hjelp.
  4. If the test is approved or after 1 week, the program is made available to students, and the query in UiB hjelp is closed.

Premises for bringing in new software and possible prioritization

  1. Practical premise: Is the program compatible with apps.uib.no?
  2. Technical premise: Is the program compatible with the infrastructure UiB has?
  3. Financial premise: Are there licenses/money for new licenses?
  4. Prioritization/guiding premise: Is the request in line with the academic community/faculty's priorities/management for the use of digital tools/digital competence?

The following needs will be prioritized if necessary:

  • Software that is relevant for all/large groups of students
  • Software that is incorporated as a learning objective in the subject/study programme
  • The subject is to be taught next semester (possibly following semester)
  • The software has an existing license model and does not have to be renegotiated or purchased, or is freely available (open-source).
  • The software can be run on UiB's established back-end for students on Azure Virtual Desktop (does not require large amounts of computing power (CPU/memory) or graphics card)
  • Extra priority is given in cases where the program is a candidate for completion of a school examination using software, with the proviso that use of the program is included as a learning outcome in the course and the course has a constructive alignment in line with the theory of instrumental genesis.