Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
Trial lectures

Trial lectures for the position of Associate Professor in Linguistics

The Department for Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies is inviting to four public trial lectures for the position of Associate Professor in Linguistics.

Main content

The following candidates will hold their trial lectures for the position of Associate Professor in Linguistics:


Matías Guzmán Naranjo

  • Date: 19.09.2024 (Thursday)
  • Time: 09:15 - 10:00
  • Place: Seminarrom K (Sydneshaugen skole)


Alena Witzlack-Makarevich

  • Date: 24.09.2024 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 09:15 - 10:00
  • Place: Seminarrom K (Sydneshaugen skole)

Note: students should bring laptops!


Kevin Tang

  • Date: 04.10.2024 (Friday)
  • Time: 09:15 - 10:00
  • Place: Seminarrom L (Sydneshaugen skole)


Trial lecture topic:



Gje ei 45 minutts forelesing i emnet LING123 Språk og data, rettet mot BA-studentar i språkvitskap uten forkunnskapar i datalingvistikk eller programmering. Emnet tek føre seg datamaskinelle metodar for behandling av språkdata. Målet med emnet er å setja studentar i stand til å meistra handtering og prosessering av språkleg tekstdata, og å bruke dataverktøy og programmering for å analysera språk. Emnet gjev ei innføring i digital koding av tekst, i elektroniske språkressursar (spesielt korpus) og programmering (i t.d. Python eller R). Strukturer forelesinga slik at ho hadde passa som emnets første forelesing i semesteret, med ein introduksjon til kurset og ei oversikt over eitt eller eit par tema i emnet (t.d. datahandtering, språkressursar eller grunnleggjande programmering). 


Give a 45-minute lecture in the course LING123 Language and Computers, aimed at BA-students in linguistics without prior knowledge of computational linguistics or programming. The course concerns computational methods for processing language data. The goal of the course is to equip students with the skills to process linguistic text data, and to use computer tools and programming to analyze languages. The course provides an introduction to digital coding of text, in digital language resources (particularly corpora) and programming (in, e.g., Python or R). Structure the lecture such that it would be appropriate as the first lecture of the course, with an introduction to the course and an overview of one or a couple of course themes (e.g., data management, language resources or basic programming). 


Everyone is welcome!