Faculty of Medicine

Annual Research Presentations 2024

The participants of the Research School in Clinical Medicine received awards for the best posters and oral presentations.

prisvinnere forskerskolen 2024
Award winners from left to right: Prisvinnere for 2024, fra venstre til høyre: Solveig Løkhammer, Hilde Eide Lien, Rasmus Bach Sindre, May Gjerstad, Lise Skarstein Jakobsen og Urszula Kalucka. Rammah Elnour og Grete Ueland was not present.
Ingrid Hagerup

Main content

The Research School in Clinical Medicine at Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Science and Haukeland University Hospital organizes an annual gathering where PhD candidates present their research to their doctoral colleagues.

The event consists of two parts: a poster presentation with posters hanging in the lobby of Haukeland University Hospital, and a gathering with oral presentations.

"We want all those who have been to subject-specific seminars or conferences, and have presented their research there to also share their research with their closest colleagues", says Professor Stian Knappskog, the leader of the research school. 

The event ends with an award ceremony for the best posters and the best oral presentations. There is a jury that decides who gets most of the prizes, with the exception of the "People’s Choice Award" which is determined by the audience. See who received the prizes below.

Knappskog thinks it is especially great that the posters are hanging in the public area of the hospital. This way, passers-by can get a glimpse of the research being conducted at the faculty.

"We do this to promote the research our docotral candidates are conductiing, and to challenge them to communicate more", says Knappskog. 

This is the eighteenth time the event has taken place. Here are the winners:


1st   May Gjerstad – Inhibition of AXL isoforms in mantle cell lymphoma  

2nd    Lise Skarstein Jakobsen – Alterations in functional network dynamics after therapy for OCD

3rd  Urszula Kalucka – Role of post translational modifications of bradykinin in wound healing

Oral presentations

1st    Solveig Løkhammer – Co-phenome analyses of individuals resilient or vulnerable  to post traumatic stress disorders

2nd     Hilde Eide Lien – Vimentin as marker for recurrence in endometrial cancer

3rd   Rasmus Bach Sindre – Left atrial stiffness in young patients with cryptogenic stroke

Open class    

Grete Ueland – Improvement in quality of care in type 1 diabetes

People’s choice         

Rammah Elnour – Patient derived matrices for 3D culture work


Kira Höffler, Irit Titlestad, Lucia Cestelli and Mari Rasmussen


Professor Thomas Halvorsen, professor Anette Bøe Wolff og researcher Liv Cecilie Thomsen