Hosting Courses at the Norwegian Institute at Athens
This section outlines the support offered by the Norwegian Institute for courses hosted at its premises from Norwegian universities

Main content
• The Norwegian Institute in Athens (NIA) welcomes undergraduate and graduate courses from the broader Norwegian University sector (UHR), offering hosting opportunities for either a term or the entire academic semester. Situated near archaeological sites and art museums/galleries, the NIA provides a conducive learning environment that combines classroom instruction with experiential learning opportunities.
• Our seminar room can comfortably accommodate approximately 18-20 students in a seminar room arrangement (with chairs around a central table) and up to 40 students in a classroom arrangement (with rows of chairs facing forward).
• For visiting courses, we offer comprehensive material, logistical, and administrative support, including: a) Assistance with applications for free access and guiding permits for archaeological sites and museums b) Access to the Nordic library and the NIA’s library collection c) Recommendations for other academic activities, such as lectures, happening locally d) Arrangements for lectures by local scholars e) Orientation lectures about the institute and relevant topics for research in Greece f) Printing services (within reasonable limits) g) Information handbook about Athens and points of academic interest.
• Requests for visiting courses and reservations for the seminar room should be made well in advance to ensure availability. Interested parties are encouraged to contact us directly to plan and discuss further details.
* Please note that the NIA does not operate a guesthouse. Accommodation arrangements, booking procedures, and payment processes are the sole responsibility of the institution or academic faculty organizing the course. However, the NIA can offer accommodation suggestions upon request.
** The NIA assumes no responsibility for visiting students outside of their academic activities hosted at its premises and only during the official duration of these activities.
*** Any special arrangements or requests beyond the stated services should be communicated to the NIA well in advance. The NIA reserves the right to decline requests that conflict with its fundamental goals and functions.