Research Group POTENT – Post-Truth English Teaching

News archive for Research Group POTENT – Post-Truth English Teaching

In these two videos, two teaching students present some of the challenges they encountered in practice, and how they worked to solve them using the knowledge they gained from various parts of teacher education program.
POTENT will be hosting two interesting guest lectures in the autumn semester of 2024. The first one is by our member Massimiliano Demata from the University of Torino, and the second one Frank Serafini from Arizona State University.
Nyleg fekk forskargruppa POTENT (Post-Truth English Teaching) ved IF tildelt DEKOMP-midlar for å utvikle prosjektet «Utforskende undervisning med bruk av KI i språkfagene». Kunstig intelligens er eit høgaktuelt tema både i norsk skule og i høgare utdanning. Korleis skal vi lære vekk språk i ei tid der digitale verktøy vert stadig meir avanserte? Framover skal POTENT jobbe aktivt med dette viktige... Read more
Are you an English teacher with a strong interest in didactics and on the lookout for new opportunities? Or do you have an educational background in foreign language didactics?
The anthology 'Multimodality in English Language Learning' was published in 2022. The editors Sigrid Ørevik og Sophia Diamantopoulou both belong to the research group Text-based English Language Learning (TELL). The book also contains a contribution from TELL researcher Aud Solbjørg Skulstad. Two international journals have now published reviews of the book: 'Multimodality in Society' and '... Read more
Professor of English didactics Aud Solbjørg Skulstad has recently published the book Text Creation in English Teaching.
The Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen has recently advertised two PhD positions. Three TELL researchers are available as supervisors. The application deadline is 14 March 2023.
The newly published anthology 'Multimodality in English Language Learning' provides research-based knowledge on the use, production, and assessment of multimodal texts in the teaching and — This book will be useful for researchers, teachers, students, and educators interested in language, text, and multimodality says associate professor and co-editor of the book, Sigrid Ørevik.