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Annals of Oncology

Forskning på PARP-hemmere utført ved Mohn Kreftforsningslaboratorium og KG Jebsen senter for genom-rettet kreftterapi får oppmerksomhet i internasjonal presse etter publisering i Annals of Oncology.

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Skjermdump https://www.medpagetoday.com/hematologyoncology/breastcancer/90217

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Charles Bankhead, senior editor hos Medpage Today, har i sin presentasjon av studien innhentet kommentarer fra Charles Shapiro, MD, ved Mount Sinai Health System:

"Despite the study's small size, the results may have the potential to influence thinking about use of PARP inhibitors to treat breast cancer, said Charles Shapiro, MD, of Mount Sinai Health System in New York City.

"The germline (mutations) work with PARP, but it's not so clear about somatic mutations," he told MedPage Today. "I think this study shows that somatic mutations, the right mutation, wherever the mutation may be, if it's sensitive to PARP, then (a PARP inhibitor) will work in the tumor, not necessarily the germline mutations."

"This suggests that you have to test not only for germline mutations but for somatic mutations in the tumor, by next generation sequencing or some other genomic test to uncover these targetable mutations," added Shapiro, who was not involved in the study."

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