Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

With her ERC Consolidator Grant for the project "SUCCESS", Professor Ragnhild Muriaas will shed light on what makes women leave politics faster than men, and what makes them stay. With the project, she will launch a completely new way of understanding gender balance in politics.
The UiB Collaboratory and the course Sustainable Innovation won this year’s Study Quality Award with a course that builds on student engagement and involvement.
NHH together with UoB, are arranging the 48th EARIE Conference 27 - 28 August - Please join us.
Godt oppmøte på instituttets fagdag for nye samfunnsøkonomi-studenter! På fagdagen fikk studentene nærmere innsikt om: Dagens jobbmuligheter for nyutdannede samfunnsøkonomer, Fagutvalgets rolle, og hvordan de fungerte som bindeledd mellom studenter og Institutt. Samfunnsøkonomene presenterte sin rolle som interesse- og arbeidstakerorganisasjon for samfunnsøkonomer. Studentene fikk deretter tre... Read more
We welcome four, new employees to our Department: John Sæten Lilletvedt (PhD Candidate), Hedda Rytter Tveiten (PhD Candidate), Ingvild Hagen Lindalen (Seminar Coordinator) and Marc Goni (Associate Professor).All four started in August.
What can society and global organizations do better to stop right-wing extremist radicalization and terrorist content online?
The project «Admission Impossible? School Choice in European Cities» received a 12 million Norwegian kroner grant from the Norwegian Research Council after this year’s spring-call.