Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

The PREPARE project is looking for an ambitious scholar who wants to help develop a new agenda for researching citizens’ relations to the public sphere.
UiB's Humanities Strategy awards professor Brita Ytre-Arne funds for research into artificial intelligence and how we assess what is real and true.
Researchers at UiB are doing comprehensive research on the unequal distributions of air pollution. Young children, people who are already sick, and elderly people are the most affected.
The inaugural General Assembly of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) marked a significant milestone in the realm of Earth Observation (EO), particularly in the field of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
“There is hope in science and research”, said Rector Margareth Hagen in her welcome address to the one hundred PhD candidates from more than thirty countries taking part in the seventeenth Bergen Summer Research School.
CET Professor II Siddharth Sareen will receive the Nils Klim Award this week for his research in environmental social sciences. What makes his research unique is a commitment to impact beyond publication points and citations.
We have two deadlines this year: 1 June and 1 December. Congratulations to all who completed the degree this year!
Some Norwegian politicians that are skeptical about gender quotas in politics are positive about gender quotas in the leadership of religious organizations, according to new research.