Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

News archive for Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

May 22 was an exciting day for students and staff at the Department of Biological Sciences, when the first Poster Symposium was arranged in Høyteknologisenteret.
Ms. Apinya Singkhala defended her PhD thesis, tilted Metagenomics and Isolation of Thermophilic Cellulase - producing Bacteria from Thermophilic High Solid Digestion Condition at the Department of Biology, Thaksin University in Thailand in May 2018. Congratulations!
Ms Srisuda Chaikitkaew has a Royal Golden Jubilee PhD scholarship awarded by the Thai Research Fund for a 10 month reseach visit to BIO.
Richard Payne, a former Marie Curie Fellow with EECRG in 2003, was killed climbing in the Himalaya