Research group for civil procedure

News archive for Research group for civil procedure

Anna Nylund has recently published the book Shaping Civil Litigation Using Procedural Agreements on Eleven Publishing in collaboration with Antonio Cabral (Rio de Janeiro State University). 
On the 15th to 16th February 2024, professors Anna Nylund, Magne Strandberg and Camilla Bernt traveled to Leiden University to participate in a seminar organized by Professor Bart Krans.
31 August and 1 September the Research group for civil procedure and dispute resolution organised their first workshop in the Primary Dispute Resolution (Tvisteløsning på grunnplanet) project, funded by The Norwegian Research Council.
During our lives, we are all involved in one or more legal disputes, such as when we disagree with the insurance company on the value of the damaged goods, with the landlord on the appropriate level of increase of the rent, or with the seller of a used item on whether it was in accordance with what was agreed. Although we resolve most of these disputes through negotiation, sometimes the... Read more
An international seminar on contractualisation of civil litigation with participants from 11 countries across the world was hosted by the Research group for civil procedure and dispute resolution 13-14 June 2022.
On December 2. esteemed researchers from across Europe met – both physically and digitally – with the Research Group for Civil Procedure and Dispute Resolution for a comparative discussion on elements of orality in different European legal systems.