The Bergen Longitudinal Dyslexia Study

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions.

Main content

Project steering committee
Professor Turid Helland
Professor Kenneth Hugdahl
Sonja Ofte, PhD, psychologist (until 2007)


Please refer to the following persons in case of questions:
All questions on the project and its implementation (except fMRI):
Professor Turid Helland
E-mail: turid.helland AT psybp.uib.no
Phone: (+47) 55 58 23 39


All questions on fMRI in the project:
Professor Kenneth Hugdahl / Professor Karsten Specht
E-mail: kenneth.hugdahl AT psybp.uib.no / karsten.specht AT psybp.uib.no
Phone: (+47) 55 58 62 77 / (+47) 55 58 62 79


General questions or questions on PhD project:
PhD candidate Frøydis Morken
E-mail: froydis.morken AT psybp.uib.no
Phone: (+47) 55 58 62 87


Department of Medical and Biological Psychology
Jonas Lies vei 91