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Houskeeping rules for surgeries and laboratories at the lab animal facility
This instruction applies to researchers and their teams ( "Users") through the use of surgeries and laboratories (op / lab) at the lab animal facility at the University of Bergen.
The research groups have a responsibility to leave the op / lab cleared so that it is ready for the next user.
The proceduret is considered completed when the animal is euthanized, or back in the animal room, given pain treatment, stable and awake after anesthesia.
The research team is responsible for having the op / lab cleared after use. This means:
Biological material (carcass, organs, blood) packed in plastic or risk containers, and placed in the freezer or in cooling room. If freezer or cool storage, it must be marked with content, date, and user/project number.
Other waste (remnants of isotope material and the like) in suitable container for assigned sites.
Sharp, piercing and cutting objects are packed in suitable container (yellow) for assigned sites.
Plain waste must be wrapped in plastic and taken to the recycling station.
Blood and other spills must be cleaned up (remember to check the mobile devices as well)
Bench surfaces must be washed.
Instruments must be washed and dried and placed on the assigned space.
Dirty clothes to dispose of in bag for this purpose in the wardrobe.
The operation room/lab must be cleared for cleaning next morning
IMPORTANT: Gas taps must be closed and the hose disconnected from the wall.
The research team must contact the animal care personnel if they discover any errors, equipment that does not work, etc.
Technical propblems
Technical error and deficiencies should be reported
Animal health
Conditions relating to animal health (disease, injury to animals) should be reported to the lab animal veterinarian (preferably in writing by e-mail) with a short description.