Training in Laboratory Animal Science
All those who use animals in research must have education and practice in accordance with the Regulation on the use of animals in experiments (Annex E) (Forskrift om bruk av dyr i forsøk, vedlegg E). The training must be carried out before designing and performing experiments, caring for or euthanizing animals, and includes both theory and practice. There are also requirements for documentation of competence through continuous practice and education. The Laboratory Animal Facility offers both theoretical courses, practical training and refresher courses, for students, employees and external parties.

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Training for animal studies
Training on the use of animals in research With the implementation of EU Directive 2010/63, a new classification system* was introduced for personnel working with animals in experiments.
Requirements for technical skills (“skills”) apply to people who will perform procedures on animals (Function A, C and D).
People who plan experiments, but do not themselves perform procedures (Function B), must know these procedures, what impact they have on the animals, and how to perform procedures in the most refined way - but they do not need to demonstrate that they master them in practice.
Everyone who is to have access to the Laboratory Animal Department at K1, UiB must document that training has begun.
To apply for experiments in FOTS (Laboatory Animal Administration’s Supervision and Application System) or participate in experiments, you must have completed a theoretical subject (course) and practice, and be able to document this.
If you have a course in laboratory animal science from other countries, parts of this may be approved by the staff veterinarian. You must then complete a self-study program with national regulations, this includes a test. See more information in the separate tab “Courses from abroad”.
* This classification replaces the previous FELASA categories
** The combination of LAS301+302 will be replaced by CAREIN from 2024