This is a flowchart showing important steps in animal research
Practical information - before you can get access to the facility or start experiments.
Below you find tabs to different topics and issues you have to take into account before you can start experiments.
Application for animal experiments is done in "FOTS".
Se the tab below.
What info does the Lab Animal Facility need from you?
Apply fpr access via this link
You must meet in person for instructions about fore and escape routes
Animal experiments are highly regulated in Norway, and there are several laws and regulations to deal with, as well as many international and European guidelines.
To do research in animals you must obtain permission from the animal experimentation administration (Forsøksdyrforvaltningen - FDF) in Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA).
Application to the national animal research authority in Mattilsynet have to be filled in and sent electronically in FOTS (“Forsøksdyrforvatningen tilsyns- og søknadssystem”).
What are the 3Rs? How shall I relate to them in the application for animal experimentation?
Below you find some presentations and teaching tools that are helpful in planning and evaluation of animal experiments.
Spend some time in our AltLab to get more training in handling and procedures! The use is free of charge
To work with laboratory animals, in a research lab, involves many risk factors.
What does it cost to house animals at the lab animal facility? You find the pricelist as an attachment below on this page.
What information do you need to give us to order prescriptions?
Here you find information on how to book operation rooms, rules of order and more
All information below regarding the shipment must be filled out before the Lab Animal Facility can start the export process.
Perfume and aftershave of any kind have no place in a lab animal facility.
A good surgery begins prior to any incision made...
The animal research regulation say the that methods and test strategies shall be planned to prevent, eliminate or minimize pain, suffering and distress Death as and endpoint shall be avoided