The Laboratory Animal Facility
Score sheets and endpoints in fish research

Establishing score sheets and defining endpoints in fish experiments

Main content


8:00-9:00Opening registration and coffee   
9:00-9:45Aurora Brønstad, University of Bergen (UoB): Introduction to humane endpoints in fish experiments
 Linda Andersen, ILAB & Anita Rønneseth, UoB: Outline for the workshop and score sheet development
Coffee refill 
10:00Mark Powell, Marineholmen RASLab AS: From algae to jelly fish- when Atlantic salmon experiments don’t go as planned!

Karin Pittman, UoB: Skin- and gill biopsies of Atlantic salmon

10:50Trond Isaksen, NORCE: Tolerance of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) to dissolved gas supersaturation in freshwater
11:15Gyri Haugland: Development of anaesthetic protocols for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.)
11.40Carolina Gutierrez Rabadan, Swansea University: Development and validation of an Operational Welfare Index for farmed lumpfish.
Lunch: 12-13:00 

Work in groups, discussions and feedback to participants

15:45Summary: issues raised during the workshop