Endocrine Medicine

K.G. Jebsen center for autoimmunity

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The K.G. Jebsen Center for autoimmune diseases consist of epidemiologists, biologists, molecular biologists and clinicians and research autoimmune diseases with a strong hereditary component. The center is trying to understand the mechanisms causing this diseases in order to provide better treatment with fewer side effects. The Center is led by professor Eystein Husebye and it is located at the Department of Clinical Science in collaboration with Haukeland University Hospital, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the Weizmann Institute in Israel.

The foundation of the centre is the registry for organ specific autoimmune diseases (ROAS) and its associated biobank. ROAS was established in 1996 to collect a representative material of a sufficient size to allow statistical research on rare autoimmune diseases. At the start, patients were only recruited from western Norway, but the registry has been gradually expanded and in 2012 ROAS was awarded status as a national medical quality registry.

Since it was founded, the Kristian Gerhard Jebsen foundation has established 18 KG Jebsen centres for medical research at Norwegian medical faculties and affiliated university hospitals. The centres have been established in collaboration with the medical communities and the institutions that carry out the research. The goal is that new and important research results will result in improved treatment for patients

The centre also has its own website.