Research group for Legal Culture

News archive for Research group for Legal Culture

European Society for Comparative Legal History calls for papers for their 8th biennial conference which will be held from July 2nd-4th 2025 at the University of Szeged, Hungary. DEADLINE 31 OKT. 2024.
Professor Sören Koch has published an article about Professor Frede Castberg (1893-1977) and his influence on Norwegian legal culture.
Professor Sören Koch has published an article about the Norwegian regulation of assisted dying in light of national and international developments.
On January 15th, 2024, the Research Group for Legal Culture organized a lunch seminar on the comparative method for comparing Nordic countries.
5 students have written a report on the "Nordic Legal Culture: Myth or Reality?"-conference, which the Research Group held in June 2023.
The research group for Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law at the University of Bergen invited to the fourth Norwegian legal historians' day on Friday 17 November 2023 in Bergen.
Is there such a thing as a Nordic legal culture or is this narrative just a myth? How can the concept of a Nordic legal culture be used as an analytical lens?
Marius Mikkel Kjølstad has prepared an overview of preserved legal lectures from the 19th century.
The research group would like to congratulate three of its members as new members of the European Law Institute.
A new book was published in September about Frederik Stang's natural law lectures from 1830–1831; and a natural law seminar was held at the Faculty of Law (UiB). Stang was one of the most important players in Norwegian history in the 19th century and Norway's first prime minister.
Together with Professor Geir Heivoll (PHS), Karnov Forlag will start a new project which aims to publish legal history commentaries in several key areas.
Together with Esmerelda Colombo and Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta, Professor Sören Koch has written an article about Rights of Nature in the Norwegian Legal Culture.
Professor Sören Koch was recently at a debate on active euthanasia in Tromsø. The organizer was ELSA Tromsø.
At the end of October, Professor Sören Koch was in Paraguay for a seminar in comparative law - ASUNCIÓN2022. The seminar was organized by AIDC - IACL (International Academy of Comparative Law).
Professor Sören Koch attended a workshop in Hanseatic History and Law in Tallinn.
Professor Sören Koch on the Christian V's Norwegian Code.
An interdisciplinary workshop on the understanding of medieval and early modern Norwegian, Icelandic and Scottish laws.
New publication by Sören Koch in Legal History: Reflecting the past and the present current perspectives for the future.
