Molecular Imaging Center (MIC)


Information on directions to MIC by bus, taxi or by foot.

Main content

MIC is located at the Building for Basic Biological Research (BBB) at the Haukeland University Hospital campus. Download the "Directions to MIC" under attachments for maps and directions.

From the airport:

Airport coach: Leaves from Bergen airport Flesland every 15 minutes to the bus station. Walk from there past the train station to the bus stop in the road Kalfarveien. From there you can take the bus to the stop at Haukeland University Hospital called "Haukeland Nord". See the second image for walking directions from the bus stop to BBB.

Taxi: The address is Jonas Lies vei 91, Bygg for Basalbiologi. Not all taxi drivers find their way. To better explain the directions; BBB is situated behind the Haukeland Hospital central block and the Hospital Farmasi building. You need to follow the road past the entrance to Haukeland parking lot North, turn left and drive between the Hospital Farmasi building (brown) and the Lab Building (colorful) and then left again. 
