High-Content Imager, BD Pathway 855
Measuring network lengths and the inhibited phenotype in row D is identified in the analysis
Lasse Evensen
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Room 6C128bA
Telehpone 555 86456
The BD Pathway 855 (2006-model) is a fully automated microscope that provides the option of automated image acquisition and data analysis on multi-well plates (96 and 384).
This sytem offers high-content imaging of fixed cells. It will rapidly record high-resolution fluorescence images from multiwell plates.
• Specifications
The system is equipped with the folling:
- 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 63x objectives
- Compatible with 96- and 384-well plate
- All common filters
- Multichannel imaging
- Montage function
- BD Attovistion software for image quantification
• Links
BD Pathway Technical Specifications