Molecular Imaging Center (MIC)

Flow Cytometry for Intracellular Targets - Hands on Phosphoflow Workshop, 5.-7. Sept. 2011, Bergen, Norway

Local CANGENIN/COST Action BM0703 organizer: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

Main content

This is the third time the University of Bergen organizes a Phosphoflow workshop in cooperation with Jonathan Irish from Stanford University, CA, USA.
The hands-on workshop is limited to 10 CANGENIN students/postdocs!

Attendance fee: 300€ (includes accommodation and meals)

Cell signaling normally governs checkpoints throughout development, and alteration of signaling plays a driving role in human diseases, such as cancer. Phospho-specific flow cytometry can characterize signaling at the network level in individual cells. This technique is especially useful in comparing subsets of cells present within heterogeneous primary tissue samples.

For more info please e-mail: marianne.enger@med.uib.no

Program: See pdf-file at the bottom of the page.

Registration: Please fill in the following Registration Form

Registration deadline: 22nd of July 2011

Organizers: University of Bergen, NORWAY and CANGENIN/COST Action BM0703