Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses

ACDC 2018 details

The online application for ACDC 2018 is now closed. The summer school will take place from September 17th – 28th. The venue is Finse Alpine Research Center in Hardangervidda National Park, Norway. This years topic is Hemispheric Asymmetry in Climate.

Finse Alpine Research Center
Finse Alpine Research Center

Main content

Target: Advanced PhD candidates and early career scientists.

Goal: To mix students and lecturers with empirical and dynamical training within climate science and focus on understanding the basic principles and dynamics of relating to asymmetries in climate.

ECTS: Participants will receive 4 ECTS credits for the course

Including topics:
- Hemispheric assymetry in the mean climate
- Assymetry in deep water formation
- Bipolar seesaw (leads and lags)
- Hemispheric phasing of Quaternary climate changes
- Spatial and temporal manifestations of rapid climate change  

Application process: The application is now closed. All applicants have been notified about the status of their application. 

If you have any questions, please contact acdc@uib.no

Confirmed lecturers: David Battisti (University of Washington), Jake Gebbie (WHOI), Kerim H. Nisancioglu (UiB/UiO), Øyvind Paasche (UiB), Tore Furevik (UiB), Patrick Heimbach (MiT/UTexas-Austin), Iselin Medhaug (ETH Zurich/UiB), Peter Huybers (Harvard University), Natalya Gomez (McGill University), Jessica Tierney (University of Arizona), Cecilia Bitz (University of Washington). 

Practical information

Updated information on the venue and practical details including program can be found here