
UiB Sustainability

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Plastic cleanup at Hellesøy, illustration for the UiB sustainability web page.

The University of Bergen (UiB) is a research-intensive university where sustainability is, and has long been, a natural and integral part of all of our activities. We focus on sustainability in our research, education, innovation and operations. On these pages you will find some examples of how we work on sustainability in these areas, as well as an overview of future events and relevant matters.

UiB has taken a leading role in the work on the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Life below water. Read more here.

Contact: klima2030@uib.no

Teamet på Geomikrobiologisk laboratorium med det synlige beviset på at de er sertifisert som My Green Lab. Bakerst f.v.: Anders Schouw, Steffen Jørgensen. Foran f.v.: Sven Le Moine-Bauer, Hannah Babel, Renee Hageman og Petra Hribovšek.

Certified from My Green Lab

The Geomicrobiology Laboratory at UiB becomes the first public laboratory in Norway to receive the environmental certification from My Green Lab. The work on the certification has been done with support from the UiB Climate Fund.

Fice people on the stage engaged in conversation. They are in the university aula and behind them are SDG figures

Remembering the SDG Conference Bergen 2024

The 2024 conference consisted of both a digital day with talks and debates in English, where around 1300 people participated, and a physical conference day in Norwegian.

The Water ESSENCE Africa group photographed after the workshop at the global conference in Kigali in December 2023.

Workshop success at global water conference

The Water ESSENCE Africa project organized an excellent and well-visited workshop during the International Water Association’s Congress in Kigali, Rwanda discussing how universities can contribute towards achievement of SDG6, Clean Water and Sanitation.

ILLU Science and Art Hub midt i den fargerike trehusbebyggelsen

UiB's Collaborative Path in Ilulissat, Greenland

UiB's recent initiatives in Greenland signal a continued commitment and evolution in its Arctic research endeavors. Through active participation in the Ilulissat Science Forum and the launch of the ILLU Science and Art Hub, the University of Bergen (UiB) showcases its ongoing dedication to...

Threatened species
Wollemia nobilis potted plants in the University Gardens glasshouses

Global initiative to save the Wollemi pine

Critically Endangered ‘dinosaur trees’ arrive at University Gardens for international conservation effort