UiB Sustainability

Byttebua Bergen

Did you just move into a new student accommodation and need kitchen utensils? Are you about to move and have accumulated various things you no longer need? Come and visit Byttebua - this is a place where you can drop off and pick up useful things free of charge!

Byttebua Bergen

Main content

Byttebua Bergen - a permanent exchange market for students in Bergen and employees at The University of Bergen!


Who are we?

Byttebua is a collaboration between the Sustainability Pilots at UiB, Spire Bergen and The Future in Our Hands Bergen. The initiative was developed by the Sustainability Pilots in 2020 and has remained open since then. 


Byttebua Is always on the look out for

Kitchen utensils and crockery

Interior furnishings


Small electric items

Small furniture that can be easily carried

Plants and cuttings


Clean-up equipment

At Byttebua, you can also pick up gloves and rubbish bags of various sizes from Keep Norway Beautiful. These are perfect things to have with you in your rucksack when on a trip! You can also get in touch with us if you want to organise a major clean-up operation and need more equipment.

Would you like to be part of the Byttebua crew? Send us a DM on facebook/instagram, or get in touch via baerekraftspilotene@uib.no!