University of Bergen Library
Open access agreements with publishers

Open access publishing deals

The University of Bergen has Open Access (OA) publishing deals with several academic publishers.

Main content

 The publishing agreement with Wiley will not be renewed for 2025. Read more about the consequences for researchers at UiB.  

The University of Bergen (UiB) has open access (OA) publishing agreements with several academic publishers. To be eligible, you must be a corresponding author, affiliated with UiB and have UiB listed as your institutional affiliation in the publication. The article must also be published as an eligible article type. Corresponding authors from Helse Bergen/Haukeland University Hospital are eligible to publish under some of the agreements.

The publishing agreements will cover the cost of publishing open access. Additional publishing costs, e.g. page charges and colour charges, are not covered by the agreements.

Articles will be approved based on the following terms and conditions.

If you want to publish in an open access journal that is not included in these agreements, you can apply for funding from the publication fund. Please note that open access publishing in subscription journals is not covered by the publication fund. For more information, please see our tutorial open access - step by step