University of Bergen Library

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Courses and teaching from the University Library of Bergen   

Information literacy is essential in research, education and communication, and is a formally required learning outcome in the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. In connection with this requirement, the University Library offers courses and training. 

As outlined in the table below, courses/modules from the library can be based around one or more of the following topics: 1. Finding relevant literature, 2. Evaluation and correct use of sources, 3. Citing and reference management, 4. Research and copyright. This includes topics relevant for the PhD education and further development of researchers as well as students. 

The content within each topic is designed to progressively follow the level of the participants. Teaching is also adapted to the academic field of the participants.  

Modules can be integrated into existing courses run by UiB, and should ideally be developed and arranged in cooperation with the academic community. However, the library also offers ready-made courses which can be adapted to the subject and level of the participants. All courses are free for students and employees at the University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital. For more information, contact the library


How to use these tables: Courses can include elements from one, several, or all of the 4 main topics. The tables are designed so that the content progresses with level (Bachelor, Master, PhD/employee); however, the final content of any course will be adapted to subject area and participants needs. For example, use of reference management software can be covered for bachelor courses despite being under Master level here, and a course for new PhDs might include elements from the Bachelor level, such as using the library collection.